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Everything posted by sheldonm

  1. ...went to photograph a rock show back in the late 70s...Kansas and another band I don't recall. Before the show started, an announcer said that throwing anything on the stage would not be tolerated.......so the lights go out....you can barely make out the band members as they walk out on the stage. One dude in the band had...and maybe still does a pretty long beard. All of a sudden someone flicks a cigarette up on stage and hits the dude square in the beard....before one note has been played. I thought they would walk off the stage but they didn't and the show went on.
  2. ...have a great day!
  3. ...I don't think she ever leaves NYC unless they are driving.
  4. ....one very low quality image....not really suitable for publication but I'll send you a small print for Henry's music room. m
  5. ...no candles for you!
  6. Here are a couple more images of Mr. Logan. m~
  7. ...dusty generally has the curent issue plus the past few months on hand. I think I saw at least the last four issues when I was there last week.
  8. sheldonm

    Aaron Parks

    ...have seen him several times as he was the APA fellow, which is Indy based. Saw him with Blanchard a time or two and again with his own trio in Portland earlier this year. Liked him better as a sideman with Blanchard. Certainly a good player...though doesn't really do a lot for me....just my 2 cents. m
  9. ...probably not the funniest thing I've seen but Lou D played the Portland Jazz Fest earlier this year and when he entered the venue, the promoter introduced himself and said "Hi Mr. Donaldson, I'm so and so... this is my festival"....Lou looked at him and said "thanks, at least you'll have one jazz musician here this year". Not sure he meant it but it was funny at the time....not sure the promoter thought so. m
  10. ...you can always be assured Al and Jesse will be around when they are least needed.
  11. ...and a shot of Terry after she had her nipples photo shopped off. Not sure what HH would see in her....! m
  12. .the piano Margaret refers to is the one he's playing in the photo I posted. I'll post the alto shot this evening. Regarding him playing for a few minutes on alto, I had the same thought that Margaret did in that Giuseppe wasn't happy with his playing. He was into the tune and without warning, just put the horn down, took it apart and put it back in the case. It was an amazing few minutes with both of them playing together...hopefully it will happen again and Giuseppe with get the assistance he's needing. m~
  13. Hey there Margaret...thanks for posting. Sorry I didn't spend more time with you and Henry at Vision Fest but the time we did share was great. Always so many people there to catch up with; time gets away from you. Henry's solo performance was cool to see and by the time he was half way into it, the place was packed. Hope to catch up with you in chicago if you're making the trip to Fred's festival week. m ps....say "hello" to Henry!
  14. And it was terrific! ...went to see Dave Douglas "Brass Ecstasy" band this evening in Chicago....they ended it with a nice version of the Jackson 5's "I'll be there". m
  15. I happen to live in Westchester County, but wouldn't be caught dead reading that rag! The sports reporting has won more AP awards in the last three years than any other paper in NY. That may be so, but the Journal News is still a rag. Anyway, at least we know there will be a Michael Jackson week on Idol next year!!! Btw, MJ shared a birthday with Charlie Parker, Dinah Washington, Rebecca DeMornay and ..........ME!!! How does that make you all feel? ...indifference . Good for you! I was just trying to put all this nonsense in perspective for ya. Bird, someone we all worship, is just as flawed as MJ and has the same b'day! I'm not sure anyone here needed it put into perspective....I'm not sure anyone here is having a melt down or is over reacting over this. m
  16. ...it's coming to a new music museum/performance art center about 6 blocks from my house; look forward to getting a peek at it. I ride my bike by this place every other day. btw, 14000 is a lots of lps but many folks have far more...not that it's a pissing contest. I would doubt this is the largest private collection in NYC...who knows? m
  17. ...I'm fashionably late again...hope you had a great day!
  18. ...sorry for arriving so late....hope you had a great day!
  19. ....have a great day!
  20. I happen to live in Westchester County, but wouldn't be caught dead reading that rag! The sports reporting has won more AP awards in the last three years than any other paper in NY. That may be so, but the Journal News is still a rag. Anyway, at least we know there will be a Michael Jackson week on Idol next year!!! Btw, MJ shared a birthday with Charlie Parker, Dinah Washington, Rebecca DeMornay and ..........ME!!! How does that make you all feel? ...indifference .
  21. Carlos Diaz, on the other hand, hasn't a clue in his celebrity-obsessed head. No one here has made more of this than it is, other than one tragic misuse of the word "tragic". It seems to me that you're the only one getting overly dramatic with your moral majority stance. Btw, I'm a New Yorker and a baseball fan. Who the hell is Peter Abraham? ...that's because you're a Jetman....not a Yankman. He's a Journal News beat writer for the yanks....has a blog as well (I believe).
  22. Carlos Diaz, on the other hand, hasn't a clue in his celebrity-obsessed head. I can hardly stand to turn on the news....these guys are all over the place! The same talking heads that trashed the guy for years are now praising him...sad. m
  23. ...in the big picture....NO.
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