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Everything posted by sheldonm

  1. couw, Nice job on the art! Now let's make sure they get put on high quality shirts....no one wants to see my nipples on a hot, steamy day . Mark
  2. well .....they did win the most games in the NBA this year!.....they were probably a pretty good team!
  3. ....have you ever seen a photograph of Jo Jones when he wasn't smilin'? Man, everytime I see him in print or video, he has that big smile on his face!!! Mark
  4. He has searched for the "real" killer....... on every golf course in America! I also voted "guilty" and I do partially blame the jury! Mark
  5. ...now that's a little cold coming from a fellow human being .
  6. sheldonm

    Steve Lacy

    No Oliver Nelson charts performed at Town Hall, Philharmonic Hall or the Chicago reunion. Thank God for that. I do have a tape of the reunion. Not a fan of Oliver's???
  7. Very sad news . Rest in Peace! Think I'll spin the Charles/Fathead disc as I have it here in my office.
  8. ...it may not be weird Al, but it's weird somebody!
  9. Jeff, Sorry to see you go but completely understandable; a noble cause indeed! I'll keep in touch via e-mail as I have in the past and you have my new address. Best of luck in your new digs B) ! Mark
  10. Billy actually played on a few of Grant's recordings. He spent many years gigging around Indianapolis in the 60's and is still playing (vibes). I've met him several times and he's a very interesting guy. I talked to him for a couple hours one night after a show about the music biz, race relations and other social issues; as I said, very interesting. He doesn't play many club dates anymore, mostly private events. He e-mails me occasionally about upcoming gig, I hope to see him again soon. The Wooden Glass LP you show was his claim to fame! Mark
  11. Brad, Nothing wrong with appearing overly patriotic
  12. Happy Birthday, Ray! Have a good one!
  13. Willie's a great piano player, I've seen him many times. He has several cd's as a leader but I don't have them in front of me to give you the names. He is usually the pianist of choice at the Jazz Showcase along with Larry Gray and Robert Shy; even has a Christmas CD!!! Always a great touch!
  14. Yeah, like a piece of cheese or something. I often walk into a piece of cheese .
  15. In the 70's and very sunny today, but many tornados over the weekend with much damage .
  16. I picked this one up from a board member a couple months ago. Sounds pretty good, no listing in the liners of who plays on it though (I hate that). Mark
  17. I saw Frank several weeks ago in Chicago.....still playing, still sounds good! Mark
  18. It may be a "true collectors item" but $500.00??? How about $20.00???
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