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About sheldonm

  • Birthday 04/21/1957

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  • Location
    Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Interests
    Photography, Jazz, Reading, Travel, St. Louis Cardinals

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  1. Re: Melvin Rhyne photo

    Hi Mark,

    I hope you are doing fine and healthy.

    I would like to use one of your phtos of Melvin Rhyne for my online discography of Rhyne. Is that okay with you?

    Thanks and best wishes


  2. Hey everyone, I'm looking for the cd of The Legends of Acid Jazz ~ Charles Kynard at a reasonable cost. Not looking to pay an arm and a leg for it:-) Thanks in advance for anyone that may have an extra copy in their stash.
  3. Hi all, I have about 30 or so Mosaic brochures? Anyone want them? You pay postage, I'll box them up and send them your way. Thanks, Mark~
  4. There is another Wes recording in the pipeline as well. Have been sworn to silence on it but look for it next year.
  5. Yes, saw and photographed him a few years back in LA.
  6. I will be there for a few days but will hit some shows outside of VF as well. Looking forward to a few relaxing days in NYC (staying in Brooklyn) this time around. m~
  7. That was one helluva LP & one even more helluva CD. Thanks Jim, that's helps a lot;-)
  8. Anyone making the "Brotherhood of Fred" show this coming Wednesday @ the Jazz Showcase in Chicago? This is the second installment of this event to honor the late, great Fred Anderson. Featuring Kidd Jordan, Tatsu Aoki, Ernest Dawkins, Ed Wilkerson, Mwata Bowden and several others. If you like your music a little left of center, this is the place to be Wednesday night. http://www.jazzshowcase.com/shows/2012/brotherhood-fred-kidd-jordantatsu-aokis-miyumi-projectmwata-bowdenedward-wilkerson-amy-ha I'll be up there at some point on Wednesday and will stay over until mid-day on Thursday. If anyone's in the area, stop in and say "hello"
  9. Thanks guys; I've seen a few on-line for far more $$ that any sane person would pay for them....I'll keep searching. Thanks!
  10. Hi folks, looking for the Richard David cd "Epistrophy...Now's the Time". At least I think it was released on cd? Anyone have one they can hook me up with, please shoot me a pm. Thanks, Mark~
  11. ...where do you eat?
  12. I will share the link with JJ's wife.
  13. Yeah, nice article. Good for them....always nice to see something positive on the recording front. Says a lot about the importance of what c. nessa has been able to achieve over the years! m~
  14. Pretty good line up. I'll be in town by Wednesday 8/31 and will head for home or the final day of the Detroit Jazz Fest on Labor Day. Shoot me a pm if you're attending!
  15. Not too far away from my home....pretty sad. Five dead and 40+ injured, some badly. They are now moving concerts in doors at other venues for some time. I see Sugarland is coming back next week to perform a show with proceeds going to families of those involved. Sad....sad!
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