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About BeBop

  • Birthday July 21

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    People. Yes, all 6.9 billion of 'em. Therefore: travel.

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  1. Not "Joe"'s birthday, but curious if anyone is in contact/knows anything about... Just thinking about him today, as I do from time to time.
  2. I'm on holiday in Malaysia. Living on Africa, off-the-grid and without music there.
  3. Jim, thanks for the SOTW link. I slept through that one. Amazing to me that Selmer would make just a handful of anything. One or two, for a marquee player. A million for tout le monde.
  4. My C Melody is a Buescher. I imagine a Selmer Mark VI C Melody, if such a thing existed, would play closer to in-tune.
  5. I spend most of my time off-the-grid: no internet, no electricity. But I'm on my annual trip to on-the-grid Malaysia. So what have I got? No LPs, no CDs, no Spotify (does that still exist?). Nope, from this computer, I can access the couple-dozen MP3 files I own. Organissimo Christmas music and downloads of albums "bought" (?) through Kickstartr.
  6. Sorry, it is probably behind a pay wall. Interesting to me. I grew up playing altogether and tenor in the sixties, seventies, eighties... The article captures the sentiments of my days around these horns. My cousin owned the largest musical instrument store West of much-of-America. I could have had innumerable Mark VIs at wholesale or less. Still these were more expensive than other horns (at same discount), so I went with the product I could more readily afford. Regrets? I would go with the milder "occasional twinges". And yes, I still play. Yamaha, mainly. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-weekend-essay/the-legend-of-the-selmer-mark-vi?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_010624&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_medium=email&utm_term=tny_daily_digest&bxid=5bea04523f92a404693e5cf0&cndid=8049298&hasha=249c6f3ba6da9f452aaf57df6b7689e6&hashb=0672c70953f2ad5edeb32477a04ceaecfa9574a2&hashc=6050ecdeb31a7e169e20bc9c2aef4a17a508003dbc0f35d165412ddfed82949c&esrc=OIDC_SELECT_ACCOUNT_&mbid=CRMNYR012019
  7. Jazz music is "the clearest of all signs of our age's deep-seated predilection for barbarism". Richard M. Weaver
  8. I received that message too. I interpreted it as the end of the print magazine. Online magazine does me no good.
  9. BeBop

    Redd Holt RIP

    I picked this up from Axios Chicago. Chicago jazz great Redd Holt died late last month. He was the last surviving member of the Ramsey Lewis Trio. (NYT)
  10. It doesn't matter what I'm searching for. Books, music, hot sauce, baseball caps. Lowest price to highest... Highest price to lowest... Most popular... Highest rated... The sort I always want: Least popular to most. Once in a while, I can choose "Most popular" then reverse sort. Am I alone in wanting "The Lost-to-the-Mists-ofTime, Pre-Fame Recordings of..." over "The Greatest Hits of A Seventy-Year Career Collected in One 45-Minute CD". Don't make me scroll 400 pages.
  11. My print collection goes back to about 1971. db and Jazz Times, plus some random five-or-so-issue flashes in the pan. I will say, once again, some day...
  12. BeBop

    Health report

    Wishing you a speedy return to robust health.
  13. Amen to "West End Blues Add: "Ain't No Sunshine". MY late wife and I didn't really have "our song", but this one comes pretty close, in my mind. "Strange Fruit". Even an instrumental, since the words are lodged in my mind.
  14. I spent my late teens and early twenties sitting behind Jessica, watching her play at the Keystone Korner. Thanks, and RIP.
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