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Everything posted by Harold_Z

  1. I'm glad they did. The sound is much better!
  2. Mine should be arriving this afternoon. Can't wait to hear it. Glad to hear that the sound is great Lon!
  3. I think this is going to have great sound also. At least I'm hoping so. I liked the sound of the GRP cds far better than the Mosaic Commodore vinyl box. I agree with Jazztrain about the 78s. To add to that - I have a lot of this material on both 10" and 12" Commodore vinyl from when it was still Commodore owned by Milt Gabler and manufactured in Yonkers. Those issues sound better than any subsequent issues and in the cases where I have the same material on both 10" and 12" the 10" edges out the 12" for the most part.
  4. Thanks Chuck. I'm hoping to be around more. Next week is my last week before retirement from my day gig and I'll have a lot more time to visit here.
  5. Our old friend Deep is hosting an online radio show. He's playing some really rare stuff and it's sounding GOOD! Here's the link. You have to refresh it to receive the newest shows and he's adding them at an astounding rate. Good stuff. Enjoy! http://www.whodatsound.com/WDRadio/WDR.html
  6. And the bassist is Sebastiao Neto. Great player. He's on lots of Bossa Nova stuff and was later with Jobim's Banda Nova.
  7. LOL!
  8. That is Gary Moore. Tony Parenti on clarinet. Chubby Jackson on bass, Marty Napoleon on piano.. I like T's little laugh after the "lit up" line.
  9. Bad news!
  10. Sad news.
  11. I worked opposite her for a few weeks at Jimmy Weston's in Manhattan around 1974 or 1975. iirc Rudy Collins was her regular drummer and Arvell Shaw was playing bass. Subbing was commonplace and one night the drummer was a very famous and very wonderful drummer (an elder statesman still with us) whose name I don't want to mention because this might be an undeserved embarrassment. He sounded wonderful. For no apparent reason Dorothy paid him off and fired him after the first set and called in another (not quite as) prominent drummer, also a great player but NOT like the first guy. I still wonder wtf was she thinking?
  12. Not on mine either. My vinyl dates from 1970 at the latest - actually I think a year or so earlier.
  13. The Dave Burns Sides were Herbie's first recordings and Herbie told me they were also Kenny Barron's first.
  14. This past Friday. after a long illness. Great guy - great player.
  15. And their is also the Newport album shared with Eddie Condon.,
  16. This 1956 Chicago concert on Columbia is pretty wonderful. But yeah, the Town Hall concert in excellent sound would be nice. Forgot that one. Yes! It is wonderful.
  17. So I guess that means The Town Hall set getting the Mosaic treatment. Offhand that, Ambassador Satch and Satchmo the great are the only three live pops from Columbia and RCA I can think of. That means a lot of previously unreleased stuff. COOOL!
  18. Looks really great. I'm getting it.
  19. Bad MFs all!
  20. Loved her music. RIP Fontella
  21. Add to what you allready have with Bix Beiderbecke, The New Orleans Rhythm Kings and Fletcher Henderson. Then as the 20s go on add the emerging Duke Ellington and also the Chicagoans..
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