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Tom in RI

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Everything posted by Tom in RI

  1. Most of my magazines have survived the last two moves, much to the chagrin of my wife. Really though, I’ll grab a random Cadence for a diversion but I almost never reach for the others. If I do get rid of my magazines I’ll still keep the Cadence issues. Prior to a move in 2017 I managed to sell a few magazines, mostly issues of Musician from the 1980’s, based on who was on the cover over at Audiokarma.
  2. Concerning new vinyl releases, I can’t bring myself to spend $18-$40 or more on a new release when it is likely to also be available used as a cd soon enough. If someone is releasing something as vinyl only, for that kind of scratch, I can do without it. Particularly when I can pick up used records in great shape most often for $4-$12 or so at my preferred shop in Providence. Fact is I’ve got more records and cds than I can get to anyway and my collection is not exceptional, around here I am just another guy. I started buying records in the ‘70’s and I’ll still grab one here and there if I see something that strikes my fancy but nowadays I am buying ridiculously devalued cd’s when I see something of interest (the latest cd I bought was $.50 at a library earlier this week). I still play records but play cd’s a lot more. I’m lucky to have fallen in with a group of people who share the music and gear fascination and we get together periodically, share a libation, and let the world slow down enough to enjoy some tunes. I don’t begrudge buyers or sellers of new vinyl issues, it’s just not for me. As far as playback, Porcy’s comment hits home with me the most, I want non-fatiguing as the most important virtue in my system.
  3. Yes it was, thanks Dan.
  4. I know this is somewhat pathetic to revive my own Happy Birthday thread, but, I’m shameless. Sixty three today.
  5. Heady Topper, its still a winner.
  6. Enjoyed that, seems the camera man decided to play air trombone at the end.
  7. Response sent, thanks.
  8. Some jazz cd’s for sale, shipping is $3.50 for one disc, $.50 for each additional via media mail. If you see something you want please post in the thread and then PM me. If you want one or several but think my pricing is out of line, make an offer, the worst that can happen is I say no. Please note the condition of the inserts is described but not the jewel case unless the jewel case is unique to the production as in the John Carter disc. If you want a new jewel case with any disc purchased add $1.00. Venmo or Paypal F & F preferred but I’ll also take a check or money order. NAM – Actual Proof, CIMP 192 w/Ahmed Abdullah, Alex Harding, Masa Kamaguchi, Jimmy Weinstein. Hole punch in UPC and promo sticker on tray insert, front insert corner clipped. Disc is VG++ $9.00. Bern Nix Trio – Alarms and Excursions, New World Records 60437-2 w/Fred Hopkins, Newman Baker. NM-/NM- $5.00. Steve Dalachinsky & Matthew Shipp – Phenomena of Interference, Hopscotch Records HOP 19. VG+ NM- (gatefold cover shows sligt wear, disc is perfect) $8.50 Frank Carlberg – The Crazy Woman, Accurate AC-4401 w/Christine Correa, Chris Cheek, Ben Street, Kenny Wollesen. Hole punch in UPC VG+/MN- $3.00. Frank Carlberg – Variations on a Summer Day Fresh Sounds New Talent FSNT 083 w/Chris Speed, Chris Speed, Andrew D’Angelo, Curtis Hasselbring, Ben Street, Kenny Wollesen, Christine Correa. NM-/NM- $5.00. Change of Time – Change of Time, Omnitone 15102 w/Russ Lossing, Adam Kolker, John Hebert. Hole punch in UPC VG+/NM- $2.00. I’ll throw this in for shipping with any other purchase. Jim Black – Alasnoaxis, Winter & Winter 910061-2 w/Kilmar Jennson, Chris Speed, Skulli Sverrisson. NM-/VG++ (very slight marks on the disc a result of packaging) $4.00. The Cosmosamatics II, Boxholder Records BXH030 w/ Sonny Simmons, Michael Marcus, Curtis Lundy, Jay Rosen. VG+/MN- $10.50. Andrew Cyrille/Mark Dresser/Marty Ehrlich – C/D/E, Jazz Magnet JAM2007. NM-/NM- $6.00. David Bixler & Arturo O’Farrill – The Auction Project Zoho ZM 201009 w/Heather Martin Bixler, Carlo Darosa, Vince Cherico, Roland Guerrero. Hole punch in UPC, VG+/NM- $4.00. Michael Carvin – The Camel, SteepleChase SCCD31038 w/Cecil Bridgewater, Sonny Fortune, Ron Burton, Calvin Hill. NM-/NM- $6.50. John Carter – Shadows on a Wall, Gramavision R2 79422 w/Bob Bradford, Andrew Cyrille, Marty Ehrlich, Fred Hopkins, Terry Jenoure, Benny Powell, Don Preston ao. Jewel case is original tinted green notch in spine and definite signs of wear, inserts (other than the notch in tray insert) are perfect and the disc is perfect $9.00. Rob Brown Trio – Sounds, Clean Feed CF 077 w/Daniel Levin, Satoshi Takeishi. Cardboard packaging with art insert VG++/VG+ the disc has some light marks from the packaging $6.00. Geri Allen – Twenty One, Blue Note D1063976 (BMG edition) w/ Ron Carter, Tony Williams. NM-/NM- $6.00.
  9. Haven’t heard the cd release but I’ve had this material as a dl’ed ROIO, have enjoyed it quite a bit. As a young fan in the ‘70’s I got used to Bird airshots so listening to these recordings has been no problem at all for me.
  10. Some years ago there was a Van trading group on Yahoo, I am amazed at just how many of his shows are around. He came off of the restricted list at a popular torrent site last year.
  11. Thanks for posting. I really like all the XRCD’s I’ve managed to snag, both sound and packaging production.
  12. Looks like the Clifford Brown sold, is there another link to your listings?
  13. I checked the notes last night, Spontooneous is right, it was another Benedetti famiuly member that had a couple more discs, not Chan, according to the booklet.
  14. I'll have to go back to the notes for the Mosaic but I am pretty sure they mention additional discs held by Chan Parker that were not available for the Mosaic set.
  15. Maybe the sale is only for people on their mailing list. The website doesn't mention it, does show a buy any cd and chose one free from a list of 8 or so.
  16. Thanks for the well wishes. Amazingly enough, my wife and I just purchased a new house after having sold our last house around this same time last year. I have been living at my mother-in-law's house sdince we closed on the sale of our last home last October. Most of my records and cd's have been in storage, very anxious to move.
  17. Thanks for posting, I enjoyed the read.
  18. I just picked up a copy of this 2 cd set at my local Savers ($1.40 after my senior discount). There are no notes other than the ridiculously small reproduction of the original lp cover. Didn't these come with a folded up insert with session info? Anybody have same they could scan and forward? Thanks.
  19. I apologize if this is posted elsewhere here. George Cables is having some pretty big health challenges. Donations can be made here: https://www.gofundme.com/team-george-cables/donate
  20. Sorry for the late response, things have been crazy around here. We accepted an offer for our house less than a week after listing. That's been distracting me. Thanks all for the kind wishes.
  21. Hard to say but probably Gerald Wilson, Johnny Hodges, and Freddie Redd.
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