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Tom in RI

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Everything posted by Tom in RI

  1. A masterful improviser laid low by health issues since the 1990’s.
  2. In the previous thread noted I mentioned Glen Wilson’s Trombari, The Devil’s Hopyard. There’s a review here: http://www.pointofdeparture.org/PoD39/PoD39MoreMoments7.html?fbclid=IwAR0u4AHdUUiD5Ww5Qjj-pMYIV7VLmZ6xo7BJDDH9rASEStLGQ5r2DI7Vr64 Another favorite with strings is Alan Ferber’s Nonet with Strings, Chamber Songs. https://www.alanferber.com/portfolio/alan-ferber-nonet-strings-chamber-songs/ I think both of these releases are really high quality and deserving of a wider audience.
  3. Huh, no break for multiple items on bandcamp shipping?
  4. Yes, I am aware, at least 2-3 on Bandcamp are also available as cd’s (much prefer physical product) which I’ll probably order today, thanks for tip about artist Friday. For others I’d rather work a trade than pay what Amazon has’em listed for.
  5. I like his playing on Pete (Laroca) Sims Blue Note release, Swingtime.
  6. Looking for cd’s by Dale Fielder. Currently I have only, Plays the Music of Pepper Adams. Ideally would like to trade (I have a pile of dupes etc) but would also buy if the price is right.
  7. I’m told it’s a one time drop, Other Half beers are available in some RI package stores (what we call a liquor store in these parts). Enjoying a Double Mosaic Daydream.
  8. Black Dahlia, Bob Belden.
  9. My Cadences are in boxes atm, was there a session that White did with Elvin Jones?
  10. Tom in RI


    Yes Steve, you are correct (just grabbed the LP from the stacks). The notes refer specifically to Byas cutting everyone on The Romp, I’d say he does it again on Honeysuckle Rose which does include a pretty young Dexter from 1945.
  11. Tom in RI


    Jazz Archives 35, Ben and the Boys, has a track with Ben, Dexter Gordon at his most Prezish, and Byas. As the liner notes state, Byas cuts everyone. The fidelity is a bit rough but defined worth searching out.
  12. Didn’t the original vinyl release cut a lot of Hank’s solos?
  13. Not right now but earlier today, Lester Young with Count Basie 1936-1940.
  14. More responsible than any other person for beating the Red Sox in ‘67. Our Cy Young winner, Jim Lonborg, just couldn’t match up with two days rest for game 7.
  15. Downstairs B & K 442EX Sonata with matching B & K Pro 10 preamp Sony DVP-S9000ES SACD/DVD player Dual CS 5000 tt ADS 1530 speakers Upstairs Musical Fidelity A5.5 integrated Lexicon RT 10 universal disc player Sony SS m7 speakers I’ve cycled through a fair number of older-ish speakers, the pair I probably miss the most are Altec Model 14’s. I also kind of miss a Sansui AU 517. The only piece above purchased new is the turntable. I do love a used deal.
  16. Put me down for Lucky Thompson.
  17. A little embarrassing to admit, it’s easier for me to keep track of cd’s vs downloads. I get that it should be just as easy to keep files in a folder on a drive. I am digitally disorganized. I actually have quite a few downloads from several ROIO sites and blogs which generally incorporate at least 5 or 6 different naming conventions. I keep pretending I’ll organize it in slack time, but it’s almost 20 years of downloads, most from the 1st ten years or so were burned to cdr, hard drives having been not so large and quite a bit pricier the further back in time you go.
  18. Another cd, lp, almost no download user here. However, most of the cd’s I’m picking up are $1.99 at Savers, with 30% off on Tuesdays (senior discount, shocking I know). Even though I am just another guy here, I look around my basement and ask who am I kidding, I have more than I will realistically listen to. Still, Allen, if you list I will peruse with interest and probably buy some.
  19. Watching with interest.
  20. Tragic case, kind of obsessed with him.
  21. Tom in RI

    Liberty Ellman

    Check out his recordings with Stephan Crump’s Rosetta Trio. Crump with Ellman on acoustic guitar and Jamie Fox on electric guitar.
  22. My wife loves me, but she finds very little jazz tolerable.
  23. Fascinating but not truly one of a kind. I went to Colgate in the ‘70’s when an English professor, Dr. Blackmore, was nurturing a similar vinyl collection which numbered in excess of 20,000 then. Dr. Blackmore was very approachable and I had the chance to see his collection at his home on several occasions. He told me he never left town without at least a couple hundred dollars in his wallet in case he ran into records of interest. I just wish I knew more of what to ask about then. i can’t say exactly when but that collection was accepted by Colgate
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