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Tom in RI

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Everything posted by Tom in RI

  1. Sad news. The notes to the Bear Family set on Buddy Johnson say that Ella left secular music when Buddy stopped band leading, which was/is a shame. She should have done a set with Roomful of Blues ala Big Joe Turner or Cleanhead Vinson, it might have brought her to the attention of a whole new generation.
  2. I'm too lazy to look it up but I believe Pablo reissued an lp of material recorded by Duke Ellington that was pressed as single copy originally for the Queen of England (as if she didn't have enough perks already!).
  3. The boxes on this issue just didn't stand up well. When I bought mine from Cadence back around 1986-7 or so, they noted that all the Bird boxes they got were damaged in transit. The packaging on the 11 record set from the same people of Bud Powell live performances, on the other hand, was absolutely bullet proof.
  4. Oh I have long lusted for a VPI. In the meantine, like Couw, I use the one at my locla used shop. For minor stuff I've been happy with Last solution and a microfibrebrush, available from Cadence. I also use Lemon Pledge on covers where needed.
  5. I recently picked up the Ocium release of the Basie Octet sessions, it also includes a session from 1949 with Gene Ammons and Georgie Auld. I have had most of this music on vinyl since the '70's, the octet material with Wardell Gray is some of my favorite and among the 1st 100 or so lp's I ever bought. That said I would note that the transfers on the Ocium release were, to me, dissappointing. Several sounded as if they had been dubbed from vinyl. I swear my copies on Columbia and Tax have less surface noise.
  6. Speaking of Fortunate Son, see this: http://www.cent.com/abetting/Jon1202.html for more insight into the ZaentzFogarty riff. If I recall correctly Fogarty refused to play CCR songs for a long time since he didn't want Zaentz to profit from them.
  7. As long as were fantasizing here, I'd wish to hear Bird, Ben Webster and Serge Chalof together. And throw Fats Navarro in there. Playing Monk tunes, with Monk on piano, yeah that's the ticket. Max Roach would have to be on drums.
  8. The Trane & Wes would also include Dolphy? You've heard this Jim?
  9. Thanks Barak, that's exactly what I was looking for.
  10. Recently someone posted a mock up of the back of a BN cd cover with all the fonts and sizes. I'd like to get a copy of that but I can't remember what forum or thread that was in. Can anyone help me with that?
  11. Interesting to read the comments regarding the fidelity (or lack thereof) on this issue. I was in college when I started getting into jazz and I bought some Charlie Parker records on Everest because they were cheap and I was a poor student. They got me used to listening through the haze of primitive airshot recordings. Sure I wish they sounded better but I listen and enjoy them anyway.
  12. Tom in RI

    Joe blows

    There is a nice article and discography in Jazz Improv this issue on Joe Henderson (he's on half the covers and Dave Leibman is on the other half, go figure).
  13. I don't miss 8-tracks at all (remember them well). As noted by Jim Sangrey above, I really miss cutout bins. Used to be that you could score major league at department stores, and for cheap if you were willing to flip through a lot of dross to get to the good stuff. If I only knew then.... From what I gather from a friend in music retail, his cutout suppliers just don't get much anymore. I guess cutouts and overstock all go to places like Bershire Music ect.
  14. Thanks for posting that JohnS. Got mine yesturday, as noted, Stretching Out is not one of the 3 covers used in the set. What were they thinking?
  15. It will be criminal if the upcoming Brookmeyer Select doesn't include the original cover to Stretching Out.
  16. Thanks John. Anyone know if the version of Perdido at the Newport in NY Jam was recorded?
  17. I just picked up Maceo Parker's Southern Exposure, greazzy enough for ya? Also, have his Roots Revisited, a chance to hear Don Pullen go for the greaze!
  18. Thanks guys. I have the old version of The Sermon and I see the old version of House Party at Half.com so I think I am all set.
  19. Seems this was discussed at the BNBB way back but I don't recall for sure. I have the 1987 issue of The Sermon and the 2000 issue of House Party. If I pick up the 1996 version of House Party does that get me all the from these two dates (Aug.25, 1957 & Feb. 25, 1958)? It seems that since the latest issue of The Sermon duplicates the original lp with only 3 titles on it so that 5 or 5 titles from these two dates are left out of the RVG issues. Is that right?
  20. Jim R.'s mention of Duke Robillard in the Freddie King v. Eric Clapton thread made me want to throw out Duke as an artist deserving wider recognition. Founder of the premier jump blues band and well known road warriors, Roomful of Blues,and their front man until his departuture in 1979 (making way for Ronnie Earl, now there's another one), Duke has gone on to master a variety of blues and swing styles. If forced to recommend just one disc it would probably be Duke's Blues for me. Robillard has also become an in-demand sideman and producer. For the last few years Duke has toured with baritone saxman Doug James and a rhythm section. If he comes to your town, don't miss him.
  21. I had a vinyl release of a lot of this material and sold it without ever really getting into it. Picked up the cd quite some time later and dug it a lot more. You haven't lived until you've heard One Monkey Don't Stop The Show. One thing though, do you file under Big or Maybelle? Any thoughts on the Savoy sessions which I have not heard.
  22. Dan Gould turned me onto to Goldwave a bit back. You can download a fully functional (or at least you could when I first tried it) trial version for free from their website. It does allow easy edits for length and fade-ins and outs. It is also pretty handy for pop and click removal (although I almost never de-click an entire track, just remove the obvious clicks). I was pleased enough that I bought it. Go to Goldwave.com for more.
  23. My turn to expose my ignorance. Disc 1 1. Enjoyed the extended piano intro, like someone else said above, I at first thought there was a track mark error before listening more carefully a second and third time. The tenor and piano players especially sound like they might be playing more inside than they might usually. It put me in mind of some of the Malachi Thompson Freebop ensembles with Billy Harper. 2. No idea who this is but I am sure all of us will be looking for a cleaner copy to forward once the answer is revealed. 3. Really dug the intro. Could the tenor be Johnny Griffin? 4. Enjoyed this, although the tone used by the guitarist sounds dated (image of Austin Powers saying, "Yeah, baby!".) 5. I wouldn't have guessed JB. Actually, I thought it was a woman. I guess I need a new stereo. 6. No clue. 7. I dug this. When I first heard the alto refer to the melody I thought I was so clever to recognize a Monk snippet, until, of course, the tune was revealed to that Monk tune. 8. Sounds like Sonny Stitt to me. 9. I could listen to this again. No clue as to who. 10. Historical novelty? 11. More historical novelty, a WW1 version of the Fish Cheer? 12. Harry Allen's tribute to the Art Ensemble of Chicago. 13. Back closer to my more usual listening. Great cut. I'd guess Zoot Sims on tenor. The alto sounded like Sonny Criss. I don't think it's Criss, but someone with influences from before Bird, Marshall Royal? 14. Stan Getz? Paul Quinechette? 15. No clue. Overall, I expected more outside material from you, Jim. Of course, I haven't gotten to disc 2 yet. Thanks for all the work you put into this.
  24. Thamks JohnS, that sounds right up my alley. I liked Simon's disc on Kokopelli. I will look for this.
  25. Thanks guys, I'm going to pick this up soon.
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