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Tom in RI

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Everything posted by Tom in RI

  1. The Two Marks (Duper and Clayton) The Three Blind Men The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  2. Let me say, Ronald, that I had as much fun at your listening room as I had at Dmitry's and you are both welcome at my place anytime.
  3. I was over to Dmitry's listening room yesterday, very nice.
  4. Stadler Brothers Brothers Grimm Grim Reaper
  5. Would an issue like this likely be sourced from vinyl?
  6. Chewy, the Alamac issue of Bird with the Herd takes up two sides, the issue you picked up is likely short half the titles.
  7. Nice to see a thread on Willis Jackson, a personal favorite of mine. I have been able to pick 6-7 originals on Prestige, probably because they are not highly sought after. While I don't have the Delmark I believe it has a lot of duplication with the Whiskey Women and title which I like quite a bit. Of his later stuff I am partial to his Muse date, In The Alley, which I used to see on vinyl regularly for a dollar.
  8. I second Marcello's choice of Ephemera. A few others that are good, Plays Mingus, Adams Effect (on Uptown available from Mr. Nessa), and Encounter (with Zoot Sims).
  9. This record was reissued on vinyl around 1979, which is when I 1st got to hear it. Great stuff. I think the cd issue was well done also.
  10. I was at a Newberry Comics store this afternoon and I found quite a few OJC's and other Fantasy titles for sale cheap, most were 5.99, some were 3.99, and some were 8.99 (they also had K2's for 9.99). Newberry's is a chain based in Massachusetts. None of the titles I saw were included in the Summer Blowout Sale. Are people seeing Fantasy product at cutout prices elswhere? Could this mean no direct Winter Blowout Sale from Concord?
  11. According to the discography included in the Bird Box Parktec 4267 includes: Lover Come Back to Me May/June 1950 Cafe Society - Tony Scott-cl, Parker-as, Brew Moore-tn, Dick Hyman-pn, Chuck Wayne or Mundell Lowe-gt, probablyLeonard Gaskin-bs, Ed Shaughnessy-dr I Can't Get Started - July 1950 unknown location - Parker-as, Bernie Leighton-pn, Ray Brown-bs, Buddy Rich-dr Dance of the Infidels - May 1953 unknown location - Parker-as, Bud Powell-pn, Charles Mingus-bs, Max Roach-dr Ornithology Cheryl KoKo Bird of Paradise - Carnegie Hall Dec 24, 1949 - Red Rodney-tp, Parker-as, Al Haig-pn, Tommy Potter-bs, Roy Haynes-dr The last broadcast includes Now's the Time on other issues (Alamac) All of titles on Parktec 4267 were included in the Bird Box. The info on the back of Parktec 4267 makes mention of Carnegie Hall. The funniest thing, to me, is the quote on the back of Parktec 4267 "Most noted Dutch discographer and Ornithologist, Ronald van Heeswijk has stated - "Exciting Bird from tail to beak. Our Bird never laid an egg!" "
  12. I have bought almost all of my equipment from Cadence, Vladimir is as patient as they come.
  13. Hey PLM, Tommy Peltier's, The Jazz Corps, featuring Kirk was reissued in 1994 by Capitol, at least according to this site: http://home.nestor.minsk.by/jazz/articles/2005/09/0055.html I heard it once a long time ago and was underwhelmed then, but I'm more open minded now so who knows.
  14. If I remember correctly, the Emanon sets were very expensive. I think Cadence had at least one of the sets for 80 or 90 dollars, quite a premium for a two disc set.
  15. Five left as of my order this morning.
  16. Can anyone tell me if Pepper Adams Muse date, Reflectory, has been issued on CD?
  17. Tom in RI

    Sonny Fortune

    Can anyone give a recommendation for the Rabih Abou-Khalil discs that Sonny Fortune is on?
  18. Hey Jim, I saw Clifford Jordan play around 1979. I had him sign my copy of Glass Bead Games. When I asked him his favorite lp he said The Adventurer, his most current issue at the time. I guess I couldn't argue with that. Both In the World and Reasons in Tonality were cutouts with the no respect price of $1.99 here in RI around that time. Man, I miss cutouts.
  19. Not my favorite but Baird Hersey, a guitarist then based in Boston, did an interesting update of this around 1978, featured Dave Leibman also.
  20. A great disc and still in print on the Accurate label is the Consuelo-Jon Quintet cd, Last Sunday Morning. Consuelo Candelaria is the pianist and Jon Hazilla is the drummer. Billy Pierce is well featured on tenor and soprano, Tom Varner plays on the date but his french horn is mostly heard only in ensemble. This date has strong compositions from Candelaria who wrote all the titles except Strayhorn's Johnny Come Lately. As far as I can tell this is one of only two releases that Candelaria appears on. Jon Hazilla is a monster drummer and definitely a TDWR.
  21. My order from August 11 has not been shipped yet. I have spoken with Jackson the last couple of weeks and he advised me to call him next week if I didn't recieve an email notifacation regarding shipping. So, I'd say Quincy is right on about figuring 4 weeks.
  22. Eamil sent. Great review in Cadence for Volume 1.
  23. Sounds like a great time. Did you get to see George Coleman at the other festival Monday night in Hartford?
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