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Everything posted by Soulstation1

  1. The Century Room just opened up
  2. WKRC tribute till 9pm today Joey lived up in Scottsdale Az I had some brief convos on faceback with him I was always telling him to come back down to Tucson
  3. Yes Godfather 🎹 🎹
  4. Joey / Benson / Miller ❤️
  5. Three weeks ago
  6. Rest Easy Joey D Thanks for the music and memories ❤️😢😢😢😢😢😢
  7. I'm going to get tested on Wednesday around 1 My sister is concerned for me A close married couple I know tested positive
  8. this scene could be today follow the rules if you want service
  9. He had a great run Meathead just turned 73YO Rest Easy Sir
  10. Able to get another copy of this 😍 this cd
  11. Made short ribs for the first time 4 hours on the grill
  12. Hank Mobley is the man !
  13. https://amazenproducts.com/ picked up the 5x8 maze model also got a cover for my grill
  14. https://www.espn.com/racing/nascar/story/_/id/29345568/nascar-says-noose-found-bubba-wallace-garage-talladega 👎
  15. https://www.tmz.com/2020/06/21/old-man-fights-pushes-way-into-walmart-florida-no-mask-covid/ Old guy deserves to get his ass slammed to the ground and arrested
  16. The recipe or similar over on YouTube first time I put brown sugar on my ribs just started using Kinders - The Blend - S/P/G available at Costco https://kinders.com
  17. Since they've passed I've been processing a lot of bullshit that my sister and I have been subjected to since day ONE my mom Married / divorced 4 times ALWAYS picks guys that abuse her and bringing that chaos inside the house then when I think we've gotta away from that shit because we moved across the country she brings that MFer out to Arizona and beats on her out here then when she finally gets a descent man and shes mean as fuck to him my dad always beating up on women because. His mom beat the shit out of him growning up and I mean BEAT the shit out of him and his brother My dad NEVER paying a penny in child support in his life my dad is a loser if you don't man up and pay for your children His last girlfriend bailed on him because he beat the shit out of her The plate that they made in the 1960s will be with me and my sister till we die even with them gone
  18. Since May 1st CV up almost 300% in Arizona almost all hospital beds filled
  19. They knew where they stood when she brought our dad to his front door / house The door slammed in their face Thats even if the door was opened My grandfather never talked to his own sister again because she married a Jewish man who was a doctor The man took care of her all of his life Sad My mom with me The only place to stay was my dads mother place she threw her / me out of the house I wonder why my sister and I no marriages / no children? lol
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