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Everything posted by blake

  1. Interesting, thank you. Interesting, thank you.
  2. I make purchases on eBay pretty regularly and payment via PayPal is no longer required. My account is set to charge my cc directly. I haven't sold anything on eBay in years so I can't comment on current fee structure. That said, I'm curious to know - I've been kicking around selling some things.
  3. I neglected to say thanks for pointing this out - much appreciated!
  4. Mine arrived in the mail yesterday; only through Disc 1 thus far. Chose the Media Mail shipping option given the Postal Service needs the support just as much as Mosaic does.
  5. Experimental Sound Studio in Chicago has been streaming a nightly Quarantine Concert Series on Twitch, which I've been enjoying. Looking forward to Saturday: Saturday, April 18 Corbett vs. Dempsey presents Sequesterfest (Vol. 2) 2:00pm Thurston Moore 2:30pm Susana Santos Silva 3:00pm Torbjörn Zetterberg 3:30pm Ab Baars and Ig Henneman 4:00pm Mats Gustafsson 4:30pm Zeena Parkins 5:00pm Moreno Veloso
  6. Jimmy Smith Mosaic - Disc 2. And I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that it was still sealed.
  7. +15%-off your first purchase when you sign on to their email list. This is the only one in the series that I don't have (I honestly don't recall why that is), say it's not too good to be true?
  8. Discs currently on hold; sale pending!
  9. Yes! W. Eugene Smith was an interesting guy... there's a film coming soon, I believe.
  10. Appreciate the feedback... I wasn't aware any of these were out there.
  11. $10 + actual shipping cost. Played once. I was gifted this for Christmas then received the ECM AEC box for my birthday a couple of weeks later. SOLD!
  12. FWIW, I've recently seen Vol. 6 at a couple of different Half Price Books stores in my area. I believe it was priced at $14.99 or thereabouts. I picked up a copy over the holidays and was really pleased with the sound on this versus my RCAs.
  13. Over the weekend I started reading Michael Heller’s book on the scene and while I’m not too deep into it yet, there are several references to loft performances and related festivals being recorded on professional equipment… it gives the impression there is (or was) lots of quality recorded material out there. It's been 5 years since this thread was active... any notable new releases in that time? The Heller book brought my attention to the Juma Sultan “Whispers from the Archive” disc which had previously slipped my radar… very easy to do these days. Is No Business the one-stop shop previously unissued loft scene recordings? Any suggestions appreciated.
  14. There was a thread on this topic over on the Jazzcorner forum from a decade or so ago that served as a nice source of recommendations for me at the time. Find it here: Loft Scene, on Record
  15. Thanks, Chuck. I just remembered the http://now-is.org/ site too. That one has proven very useful in the years since Malachi kept an events calendar on his site.
  16. Thanks for the replies. The Umbrella musicians are pretty easy to keep track of via websites and social media. The AACM musicians and others who were Velvet regulars (I'm not sure if, for one example, Isaiah Spencer is AACM) seem to be much more difficult for an out-of-towner to keep track of...the AACM site is never current and related musician sites either don't exist or also are not current. Any direction as to where to keep an eye out would be appreciated.
  17. It's been a few years since I've been in town during Jazz Fest, but I will likely be there this year. Now that the Velvet is gone, where are those after-fest jam sessions taking place? Are they still taking place?
  18. Ubu inspired me to search my old emails and I found this one sent 7-30-03: Dear Music Lover, We regret to inform you that the following CD titles are being discontinued in late August 2003. If you have been contemplating any of these titles for your collection, we suggest that you purchase them by August 15 through your local retailer or the Blue Note Web Site at www.bluenote.com. STEFANO DI BATTISTA - Stefano Di Battista featuring Jacky Terrasson and Elvin Jones ORNETTE COLEMAN - Love Call MILES DAVIS - Jazz Profile TANIA MARIA - The Best Of Tania Maria CHARLIE PARKER - Bird At The Hi-Hat BUD POWELL - The Best Of The Blue Note Years SONNY ROLLINS - The Best Of The Blue Note Years DINAH WASHINGTON - In Love A small quantity of the following deleted titles are still available on the web site while supplies last. MADREDEUS - Os Dias Da Madredeus LEE MORGAN - Infinity JACK SHELDON - Quartet & Quintet THE THREE SOUNDS - Live At The Lighthouse VARIOUS ARTISTS - Jump N Jive
  19. Thanks for the link. I intend to buy it too (like pretty much every other Ogun reissue.)
  20. This morning while listening to Runnin' Wild I decided to figure out just how much of the Blue Note material I'm lacking by having only the (US) BN CD reissues and not the Mosaic box. Judging from the conversation on this thread it appears that others may be interested in knowing the same thing so I figured I'd share my findings. BN has reissued the following CDs in the US, all of which contain music also on the Bechet Mosaic: The Port of Harlem Jazzmen (1994) The Best of Sidney Bechet (1994) Hot Jazz on Blue Note - 4CD box (1996) Runnin' Wild (1998) The Fabulous Sidney Bechet (2001) These discs appear to contain everything on the Bechet Mosaic except for 6 tracks and 3 alt takes, including: Sidney Bechet's Blue Note Jazzmen Sidney DeParis (tp) Vic Dickenson (tb) Sidney Bechet (ss, cl) Art Hodes (p) Pops Foster (b) Manzie Johnson (d) WOR Studios, NYC, December 20, 1944 BN207-0 Jazz Me Blues (alt. take) Sidney Bechet's Blue Note Jazzmen Max Kaminsky (tp) George Lugg (tb) Sidney Bechet (ss, cl) Art Hodes (p) Pops Foster (b) Fred Moore (d) WOR Studios, NYC, January 29, 1945 BN216-2 Salty Dog BN218-1 Jackass Blues (alt. take) Art Hodes' Hot Five Wild Bill Davison (cor) Sidney Bechet (ss, cl) Art Hodes (p) Pops Foster (b) Fred Moore (d, vo) WOR Studios, NYC, October 12, 1945 BN266-1 St. James Infirmary BN267-0 Darktown Strutters' Ball Bunk Johnson - Sidney Bechet Sextet Bunk Johnson (tp) Sandy Williams (tb) Sidney Bechet (cl) Cliff Jackson (p) Pops Foster (b) Manzie Johnson (d) WOR Studios, NYC, March 10, 1945 BN223-1 Milenberg Joys Blue BN225-0 Lord, Let Me In The Lifeboat BN228-1 Up In Sidney's Flat Sidney Bechet - Albert Nicholas Blue Five Albert Nicholas (cl) Sidney Bechet (ss, cl) Art Hodes (p) Pops Foster (b) Danny Alvin (d) WOR Studios, NYC, February 12, 1946 BN279-0 Weary Way Blues (alt. take) Incidentally, it appears the two Josh White Trio tracks aren't included on the Mosaic box. Does anyone know why? (Careless Love is on the Hot Jazz box and Milk Cow Blues is on the 3 disc Bechet EMI France box released last fall.) Josh White Trio Sidney Bechet (ss) Josh White (g, vo) Wilson Ernest Myers (b) Reeves Sound Studios, NYC, March 7, 1940 RS671 A Careless Love (Blues) RS672 Milk Cow Blues Since all of the CDs listed above are OOP (I think) I did a quick search on Amazon and eBay to see how difficult/costly they'd be to track down. They're not. All the single discs can be had for $6-$10 and the Hot Jazz box is around $20. And, of course, with the Port of Harlem Jazzmen and Hot Jazz on BN releases you also get a good chunk of material from the Port of Harlem Jazzmen, Art Hodes, George Lewis, and Hall/Johnson/DeParis/Dickenson Mosaics too. Bottom line, I figure I've got enough of the Blue Note material to prevent me from entertaining thoughts of paying a premium for the Mosaic box (though I'd like to have it).
  21. You guys got me nervous so this afternoon I inquired with Mosaic; I was told it'll be around at least another year.
  22. No caddy for daddy this year? Actually, if given the choice he'd opt for this.
  23. Count me among those who will join the ensuing scramble. I've purposely not purchased any of the material on this set (I have most all of the 60s releases) knowing that one day I'll pull the trigger. That said, it's been over a decade now and my willpower is waning. Good news is, I'm pretty sure that my one-year-old son has got his eye on this one for me for Father's Day.
  24. Just noticed that Ogun has issued this one on CD for the first time. My interest is piqued. Anyone have any thoughts on this one? Here's the write-up from Dusty Groove, peppy as usual…
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