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Everything posted by tonym

  1. I became besotted with my wife when I saw her perform on stage, age 15, in knee high boots, fishnet stockings and glitter in her hair.
  2. Just a note: I've just this evening put all my BB and JJ discs in separate transparent film cases and slotted them inside the respective boxes; they fit OK and now make it easier to get the discs out. I'm sure the action of 'prizing' those card sleeves apart to remove discs starts the whole process of glue leeching onto the disc surface anyhow.
  3. I can only commiserate Ubu; it happened to me a while ago --- like ParkerTown said there was a thread on it. I was lucky that HMV replaced my box asap as it was obviously a fault in the product. Like others have said, try contacting Sony. Best of luck. (I'm off to check mine again....)
  4. Nice to offer free shipping though!
  5. I clicked on Judgment but personally I'd go for Black Fire or Grass Roots, possibly for a twist on what he was also capable of.
  6. But they're bang out of order with the Multipla; fantastic cars that handle surprisingly well...(even with 4 passengers , 4 bikes and luggage.....)
  7. Was it Guigaro, the Italian designer, who commented upon seeing it at a motor show....."My God, they've done the same on this side too..."
  8. I have a few from that list of Hats and can thoroughly recommend the Grossman, Jorgensmann's Snijbloemen and the Shipp album listed. I'm very sure that Eskelin disc will be pretty top notch too although I've only heard two of his other albums from the label. Worth a try at that price anyway!
  9. My wife and I watched it last night. Although it was challenging, we both enjoyed it. As usual, his films are visual feast and the acting was tremendous. I was sitting there assuring her not to try to make too much sense of it all and just enjoy it but all the time I'm coming up with tenuous theories about the plot line.
  10. Where can I get some? A.s.a.p please!
  11. Now I've just ordered these from our crocodile friends through Amazon.co.uk. I had saved the old link from the now missing search bar to my favourites and I once more used that link. Does that mean the board still gets a cut?
  12. Have a vinyl-tastic day my friend!
  13. You're a saucy cat Jim!
  14. Good job really. You wouldn't want to see Gordon fellate a wooden spoon would you?
  15. The one I saw today was a place in Liverpool called Morgan's(?) ran by a 40-ish MILF-y mom & her two early/mid-20-ish DILF-y daughters. Only one daughter had a clue, as did only one person in the kitchen (& it wasn't the head chef....). There's drama enough when Ramsay busts the bubble of some old eccentric retriee or some once semi-lauded chef, but this one was damn near psychotic. And yet, in the end, they all survived. I just wonder what he had to do off-camera to get them all in line... That really was a tragic case, saved in part by their proximity to the WAG-ish Cheshire set who flocked to the restaurant once they found out TV cameras were there.
  16. We've been watching it since it first aired here and I must admit his attitude does get the better of him sometimes but I do genuinely think he wants to save these dire joints from going under. Which they will! There are some real shockers; poor management techniques, no management, huge egos and (I won't spoil it for you) the 'chefs' who couldn't taste the difference between pork and fillet steak..... The French may be right about us Ros-Boeufs.
  17. RIP Michael. Not many who could match his wisdom for beer and scotch. If there is a heaven, I hope it's well stocked.
  18. tonym

    Grado SR 60

    Hiya, I bought the iGrado when it first came out but found myself prefering my Ety Er6i for 'on the go', outside use. Also as a spectacle wearer the iGrado were a nightmare -- nothing really wrong with the sound (that heft your refer to is a pretty accurate description), just comfort issues with that ear band thing. I sold them on eBay to a Canadian buyer; they suffer the same high prices as us Brits! Give the Audio Technica ES7 a try for decent portable 'non earbud' cans, they might be just what you're looking for. This from a Grado convert!
  19. tonym

    Grado SR 60

    Glad you like them! They were my first 'proper' casn and my intro to Grado Labs. Now I'm a Grado convert! As you go up the range they do improve but for the money the 60s are by far the best to go for. Powered straight from an iPod, receiver or integrated amp they sound great being such low impedance 'phones. Even the 225s which I use for 'portable' use around the home sound great unamped. They have a huge cult following over on Head-Fi and in the UK they're quite sought after especially given their hefty price tags. Welcome aboard!
  20. Hi. The only thing I can add is that we went to AghaRTA one night back in '98 on our honeymoon. What a fantastic evening. Cheap wine, beer, pizza and astounding live jazz! They even let me back in after I had to escort my wife back to our hotel (she was slightly tipsy). It has all the credentials you'd come to expect from a 'proper' jazz club. Have fun! As for record shops, the only one I really spent a while in back then was BonTon Land. Great selection of modern European and OJC, Verve BN stuff.
  21. Uncannily accurate!
  22. Exactement! Goodspeak... you think doping isn't rife in other sports?
  23. What 7/4 meant to add...spin those pedals too Tom! All the best mate. Did you make your ride the other day?
  24. I too love the way the Mies Columbia boxes are presented...a little difficult to read sometimes but nice pieces to own. However, I had to take back my first copy of the BB set because after a few months of sitting on the shelf, the glue paper sleeves had lost adhesion and the glue was all over the CDs ---- every single one was unplayable at some point on the disc. That Impulse Coltrane quartet set is an awkward bugger though.
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