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Everything posted by tonym

  1. Great idea Johnny! However as I went to add the link to Appleby Jazz Fest (which isn't far from me) I watched the page load.... shame..... So Brecon, and the smaller Lichfield, Staffs. Glasgow. Cheltenham, earlier in the year.
  2. Pretty sure it's not Brahms; can't think what the slow movement of No 2 goes like at the minute -- it's none of the others. Neilsen? Or Richard Strauss? Chuck will be along soon!
  3. how do you open that file?
  4. Yes Ahem I did say "I don't think...". However, as Moose added the Vandermark 5 and his School Days get up and also ejp reminded me that there have been several Andrew Hill discs on rotation this year, last year damnit... Time Lines, Dusk and Dance With Death mainly.
  5. Well it's been light on jazz this year with the exception of lots of Mehldau, Crispell, Wasilewski and Gustavsen. I've always been an admirer of 'classical' music (when I was was courting Joanne, my wife, she played in lots of orchestras. I attended many, from age 17/18) but it was only in the last two years I started to get the music...... the role of the conductor etc., and with input from friends at this board, the ensembles/recordings worth listening to. So with that in mind, it's been a year of Shostakovich, Brahms, Mahler, Sibelius, Dvorak and other 'greats'. Would I get shot if I mentioned that I don't think I've played any Jimmy Smith this year?
  6. He's obviously never visited there parts. That would make him feel inadequate surely.
  7. For my birthday: &
  8. Time for a fresh start then Mark! You're a young(ish), happening guy! Oregon sounds idyllic and you're not alone in these situations. When I say all the very best of luck, I mean sincerely, as others do here, all the very best of luck. not just this new year, but every new year.
  9. The complete set of Arnold symphonies and Arnold Bax String Quartets 1-3. All on Naxos at a very good price! (even lower than the £5 they sell for here!)
  10. All the very best Alexander! Cheers
  11. No, but some excellent music nonetheless! Thanks. The Sibelius works are astounding; I've only heard a handful of them prior to getting this set. It's my B'day in a few days so I'm pretty sure there may be more coming!
  12. No jazz this Christmas!
  13. Ho ho ho........! I'm just having a quick look while my wife is getting ready to go out. I'm supposed to be too.
  14. Happy Christmas all!!!! Just sat down after arranging my son's gifts. He's so excited; they've had a lovely few weeks at school and he's taken part in many holiday activities. I'm going to have a half hour listening sess before i flop into bed. Hope he's not up too early! Have a great day tomorrow all -- regardless of how you choose to spend it and let's remember those who can't be with us. Cheers.
  15. Unfortunately, what Bluerein says is true. The best deals I ever saw on new ECM CDs was when Amazon had select single ECM CDs on sale for just under $10.00 a while back. You might get lucky through a 3rd party seller on Amazon or on Half.com. I've got a copy of Stenson's "Reflections" I'd like to sell if you or anyone else is interested. How much for the Reflections CD please mike, shipped to the UK?
  16. All the very best Jim. Have a good un!
  17. I've been wanting this for a while. I have the Zimmerman and Pollini recitals of No.1 but I've heard the Gilels is supposed to be the one to get.
  18. I'd normally steer clear of this type of promotion but I should make an exception and hopefully Jim won't mind. This guy is in the process of selling off his vast collection. I've missed a few gems already but I snagged the recent DG Pollini Edition box and collected from his home whilst I was in the area. Thoroughly nice guy, fantastic collection and he'll ship worldwide; he's adding new stuff all the time. I hope you all find something worthwhile in there!
  19. Cheers Jim! This is an unexpected bonus after the trials of last week. Welcome to the Classical Forum --- sorry about your wallet
  20. Last week: Thanks Al! A Christmas album I enjoy & for less than £30!
  21. Today in North Yorks was the first real day of winter. 1 deg C but horizontal sleet from 10am to 4 pm. I was on my bike for 3 and a half hours of it. Took a while for me to actually get the key in the door when I arrived home and another hour before I could get into bath water.
  22. Just logged in this morning to check the forecast and the clouds have parted! This is brilliant news and everyones doing their bit which is great. Happy day!
  23. Happy Hanukkah people. I've recently embarked upon my genealogy and it may be so that I have some Jewish heritage on my Grandmother's side. Exciting stuff!
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