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Everything posted by tonym

  1. a few weeks time....? Hmmm....e.t.a April 1st maybe?
  2. I need to know which movement (and which passage) of Bartok's Music for Strings, Percussion & Celeste is used during this film and at which point(s)? Not having the movie to watch I'm racking my brains to remember which bits it appears in. Help!
  3. Another day and the wheel keeps turning! All the best from the UK.
  4. All the very best!
  5. My wife and I danced the Jack Rabbit Slim's scene to Chuck Berry's 'You Never Can Tell' from Pulp Fiction. It could have gone down like a lead balloon but we pulled it off. If you're feeling brave how about something like that?
  6. sorry for the hijack -- I would love that place in Paris!
  7. here's a snowy one:
  8. That Manhattan property looks appealing -- do you think they'd take offers? I'm pretty lucky in that we live in a village that we used to visit as kids and later on when we were courting, just to come walking and relaxing. Many people still do the same. Our view from the living room is one of ducks, river, hills, trees and sheep. Typical rural living with a fantastic school of 40-50. The village is protected under the National Parks Authority too, which 9 out of 10 times is advantageous. However, as I've said before on this board, we not exactly flush with culture here. A decent gig is always a good drive away and they don't come thick and fast. We don't even have a café in the village. But like I say; we're very lucky. Now dream homes: I've always fancied the idea of a beautiful top floor apartment in central Paris --- Marais or Montmartre. Furnished simply but elegantly. That would be one. The other would be a rural cottage in the heart of Brittany or an equally unspoilt part of France. This would be rustic, creaky but cosy with a small paddock with chickens, geese and goats. Needless to say each would be fitted with a full Naim 500 series and identical record collections. -_-
  9. Splendid ! Although, I've only read one of her books, As Serious As Your Life, i'm a big fan of her writing. Well done!
  10. Being British.......tough one that. If it's pride you're talking about --- well a modicum --- which is based purely on the nation's past achievements. Brits can be painted pretty poorly by the world's press as aggressive and obnoxious. Please, it's not all of us. Personally, I think I'll feel a lot more pride once we have the right to a referendum on the significance of our monarchy. As far as being English goes, and MG (being Welsh, I think) will probably back me up here, celebrating St. George's Day by hanging a George (OK, Norman ) Cross outside the house has you labelled as a racist or potential member of the BNP. As Bill Bailey (a national gem, albeit a slightly grubby looking one) says: "what's it like being British? Well, we have Nectar Points, understatement, strong prevailing south westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast" See the rest here
  11. I have some symphonic classical CDs that are virtually unlistenable for the opposite reason that is being discussed here: either the soft parts are inaudible or the load parts rattle the walls. Clearly, it is not compression that is an evil in and of itself. It just needs to be used properly. Good point!
  12. I read a bunch of letters recently in Gramophone discussing the manipulation of pieces of music by BBC Radio 3 engineers. The narrowing of the dynamic range making it 'easier' to listen to music in cars and such, but just about rendering the whole recording worthless and unlistenable. I'm with the latter. I don't want my Zep recordings louder; there was never intended to be a wall of sound anyway --- light and shade --- wasn't that one Jimmy Page dictum in the first place. Pianissimo passages in a classical piece should be pretty far away from the tutti with a lot of ground in between!
  13. i only know the first four of them, but imho the third art of the trio disc is by far the best ("Songs" featuring a great version of Nick Drake's River Man) Thanks for the tip. I'll have to check it out if vol. 1 works out for me. Unfortunately, vol. 1 is the only one offered by BMG so I'd have to check for it elsewhere. Personally, i think 3 is the best of the bunch (studio wise, that is ...5 -- 'Progression' recorded live is a gem) but 1 isn't far behind.
  14. She can stay the hell away from my fixed-gear... You can have Tammy. Us Brits will stick with young Vicky........
  15. Hi Mike, they have Jan 28th as release date over here. HMV have it for £8.99 if you want a copy. Let me know if you can get it over there at a reasonable price.
  16. pre-ordered today and this should arrive tomorrow
  17. Last night we attended a Cello recital at the Sir Jack Lyons Hall, York. The cellist has played with my wife's orchestra before and the pieces were very well chosen and all very interesting. Janáček Pohádka (A Tale) Schumann 5 pieces in a Folksong Style, op. 102 Debussy Cello Sonata Shostakovich Cello Sonata, op. 40 I could have listened all night to the pianist's Shostakovich lines.
  18. All the very best Andy
  19. ...funky bed sheets, funky music.... I think I'd live without the music. The first one that sprung to mind for me was Getz/Gilberto's Girl from Ipanema. However, you have to be really lucky to hear it played on anything other than pan-pipes or a Stylophone. A nearby Pret-a-Manger recently had some Jackie Mac on ( a tune off Vertigo IIRC) but a cafe I often visit on my bike in the Dales plays nothing but Carpenters' tunes on B3. Maybe Jim's been moonlighting....
  20. Has anyone ever played you Happy Birthday microtonally? I'd love to hear what that sounds like! All the best Guv.
  21. All the very best Patricia! Spoil yourself!
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