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Everything posted by tonym

  1. Hi. I'll happily pay a fair price for this set. UK or EU preferred but would buy from CONUS. Please let me know if you have one in excellent condition.
  2. I like that this thread's been resurrected! Sonce I started it my tastes have changed a little and as a result I can add some newer, though nonetheless comfortable, slippers to the pile. One is Marcin Wasilewski's first, 'Trio'. In a similar vein Brad Mehldau's 'Songs' with his first trio. Keep them coming please! T.
  3. Belated best Patricia!
  4. All the very best!
  5. Happy birthday 7/4!
  6. Happy Birthday Andy.
  7. All the very best :-)
  8. Ha. Thanks mate!
  9. Thanks gents.
  10. Family shot. Some may be up for adoption... http://tonymckenna.tumblr.com/image/39383507510
  11. Ha! There she is! Thanks BFrank :-)
  12. Thanks BeBop. Evening in York. Slightly drunk.
  13. Yes indeed, and although I don't want to hijack the thread, a whole new world of English music has opened up before me; possibly initiated by my exposure to RVW.
  14. Yes. Def worth a try. To my simple ears it does everything a piano concerto ought to do. Plus the Naxos recordings of late are lush, crisp and vibrant.
  15. This is my current baby. Still not sure if I should have bought the single coil version rather than the 'HH'...
  16. Well, there you have it - the anodized gold pick guard rocks! Thanks, Lon. These guitars are the business. I'm seriously considering selling on my Squier Classic Vibe Tele to get one. A friend is also going to audition one this coming week. Fwiw, i'm a big fan of the anodised pickguard too.
  17. A few years back i plumped for the EMI Haitink box (because of the 'extras' i suppose). I haven't been disappointed but then again don't listen to RVW as much as others. When i do, it's invariably the last symphony that i put on. So dark. Also, the recentish Piano Concerto release on Naxos is amazing.
  18. Thanks fellas!
  19. All the very best from North Yorkshire x
  20. Happy holidays people. Still listen to these tunes each year. Best. T
  21. Hi and thank you! It's been a busy year; got mesel' a First Class Honours degree and now on PostGrad work chasing up PhD scholarships. Gratuitous pic!
  22. Sorry gents. I'm working on UK figures. I had no idea it was readily available and so cheap in the US. Anyway, it's nice to be back visiting the board and catching up with the many posts since my last visit!
  23. Hi. Is it OK to link an ebay listing here? if not, mods please remove, thanks. If so, it's Art at VV complete! Organissimo members, make me a low ball offer for 'board discount'! Thanks.
  24. Hi. I have (in very good nick) some play-along CDs from the Aebersold series. Ideal for guitarists, sax players, trumpets, vocalists VOLUME 34 - JAM SESSION cover missing from book CD burnVOLUME 41 - BODY AND SOUL double CD MintVOLUME 51 - NIGHT & DAY MintVOLUME 84 - DOMINANT 7TH WORKOUT double CD - SOLDVOLUME 98 - ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIM - MintVOLUME 31 - JAZZ BOSSA NOVAS - MintVOLUME 50 - MILES DAVIS - THE MAGIC OF MILES DAVIS - Mint These I'd let go for £6.50 each, including postage within UK. Also I have a Wayne Shorter (Weather Report/Blue Note/ Miles Davis Quintet) solo transcription book: Here £8 And a comprehensive saxophone scale book by Boosey & Hawkes. £3 Cheers.
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