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Joe G

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Everything posted by Joe G

  1. Both here as well. Day job: definitely in a rut. Musical pursuits, health, personal relationships, general outlook: mostly groovin'.
  2. Nice! Eh... what?
  3. Sounds GREAT!
  4. Last night at work I heard "Still Loving You" by the Scorpians. Haven't heard it since high school. Been in my head all morning.
  5. Very solid player with great time, great lines, and the ability to tell a story. I would be interested to hear what he does solo.
  6. Joe G

    Ran Blake

    There is some writing on his website about this. I read in a magazine article a couple of years ago that he was going to publish a book on the subject. I have not seen it yet.
  7. From the comments: Still can't get past the douching with Lysol ad, either.
  8. Bach should dance!
  9. Talk about a bygone era!
  10. That's clearly from your personal collection, Chris. :rsmile:
  11. Rachel and I were in Sagatuck today. We rented a couple of bikes and rode around, gawking at all the people.
  12. Arno Marsh has a tenor that belonged to Stan Getz, I'm told.
  13. I'm with Sangrey.
  14. Up front - that's more like it!
  15. I've never owned a strat! Was listening to JazzyPaul's music on fb a minute ago, and thought of this guy: http://www.pacocasanovas.ch/ Wonder why he doesn't stop by anymore...
  16. hey man - where you at?

  17. I've seen many more things at concerts that I'd describe as crazy or even scary, as opposed to funny. Though Michael Wolff kept us in stitches whenever he took the mic. Arsenio had nothing on him!
  18. We heard you twice the first time.
  19. Too many things to count over just the last few days. But a couple of highlights: Driving north with Rachel to spend Father's Day with my family. We pulled over at the last rest stop before reaching Higgins Lake, which is nicely set amongst some tall pines, the aroma of which says "home" to me. As I stood there breathing it all in, a little girl in a pretty dress and her even smaller brother ran from the parking lot into the trees, she taking a winding course around and back with him following every step as fast as his little legs could take him. A photo reproduced from our family slide sets of me and my dad circa 1973, when I was about 3. We're sitting in the mountain snows of colorado, wearing t-shirts in the bright sun, smiling at the camera like everything's right with the world. And so it was. My 87-year old grandma saying, "that Rush Limbaugh, he's a trouble maker!" All the appreciation and energy we got back from our audiences this past week.
  20. Glad you made it out, David! Man, that was a really cool hang.
  21. Plenty of opportunities to not collect royalties.
  22. So glad you and Laura made it out! Big fun.
  23. Cool indeed!
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