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Joe G

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Everything posted by Joe G

  1. Two of Bev's favorites. Except that we're not - those were among the most viewed in the US. We're not even top 100,000. Amazing that several porn sites are above Google!
  2. Maybe younger guys but not necessarily more contemporary. Here I was waiting for a crack about my use of the word "deep". :bwallace2:
  3. In a more contemporary vein; two from Pat Metheny: One Quiet Night (solo baritone guitar) and Beyond the Missouri Sky (duets w/Charlie Haden); and Luciana Souza's (of course! ) two most recent: Tides and The New Bossa Nova. Mellow music from deep players.
  4. Mike Bloomfield did some. And Bill Heid.
  5. Thread title is asking something different to me: music is not necessary when I'm walking in the woods, floating down a river, climbing a tree; or birdwatching, people watching, stargazing, looking at art, or a new baby. Also when I'm reading, it's a distraction. Having said that, I do recognize when advertisers and the like are trying to manipulate me with music. Most of the time it's rather laughable. Also, for people like me (and many members here) there is no such thing as background music. I have a great deal of difficulty tuning it out. p.s., I really dislike music pumped into outdoor spaces, like on the sidewalk in front of a restaurant. If it were Bach or Mozart, I might let it slide. Usually, however, it's crap, and an intrusion into my personal sound space.
  6. A moment of silence among the 18 million guitar players in the world. -_- Then, get back to it!
  7. Rachel tells the story about once when she made to trip to see us playing at Baker's, and there was an African-American woman there who was celebrating her birthday. Well, this woman was having a ball, digging the band, and at some point during the night exclaimed, "It used to be Boney James, but now I got a new luv: organissimo!" Haye Haye!
  8. I wonder who the drummer is. Kinda looks like Jimmy Lovelace.
  9. Christ, man. I just 'fessed up to making out in high school to Def Leppard - what more do you want??
  10. Well, then your original statement holds for you, but not for everyone, as we all have different listening priorities. I love listening to all the players you mention; they all play so beautifully. But there's a different kind of beauty in what Krantz, or Ben Monder, or Metheny at their best have to offer. They are dealing with musical options that simply didn't exist for those previous generations, and so as a fan and a musician, I find that it's very much worth my while to spend time with their music.
  11. Uh... yes, I can. Nobody was doing what Wayne Krantz, to pull the first name out of my hat, is doing now 60 years ago. I listen to lots of current jazz.
  12. About 20-30 people danced to our stuff (which included some straight-up traditional organ jazz) for about two hours in a light rain last Friday.
  13. Jeez, if that were the case, I'd still be listening to Def Leppard.
  14. Nice. I've been considering my options for nylon string, both guitar-wise and amp-wise. Played through one of those Acoustic-Image amps the other day. Those are really nice.
  15. Lots of stuff out there. It very much depends on what you'd like to learn. I haven't seen this one, but I'd guess there's something worthwhile on it.
  16. I see he's got Pumpkin Pie up as well.
  17. Hopefully I'll be able to catch the Indy show in a couple of weeks. I'm always up for a "clinic".
  18. I've thought about that day quite a few times since then. That was a unique gig, for sure.
  19. I was thinking about Swallow's album "Real Book" just today. Good album and a wonderful concept!
  20. Did something happen to the old one?
  21. It's gone viral on facebook. :rsmile:
  22. Wacky! I saw Frank Oz's name there as well.
  23. I'd generally agree with your singer friend here. In the interest of professionalism, as well as directing the audience's attention, I'd follow Cannonball's advice to his band: turn toward and watch the person who is soloing when you are not. It would pretty pretty lame to see a horn player acting like he's bored or on break while his bandmates are still playing. Not that you would do that.
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