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Joe G

Organissimo Member
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Everything posted by Joe G

  1. So, this configuration is the closest you could come to replicating the instruments they have on your home planet, I take it?
  2. Yup, I have you on CD. Your comp "Life Wish" is one of my favorites and we do listen to it very often. Quite an emotional tune. Many thanks.
  3. You know where to find my sounds, I hope. Here's a recent pic with the Verythin:
  4. On gigs I'm playing a Hofner Verythin Standard that I picked up about a year ago. I think I posted a pic in this thread a while back. I like the neck, and the tone is excellent and well-suited to the music I play. I also like that it's light and well-balanced. For most practicing and also when I teach, I generally use my Hofner Jazzica Custom, since I'm playing acoustically in those situations. Haven't been playing the Wechter much lately, but I always come back around to it eventually.
  5. Joe G

    Jim Hall

    However, great tunes, great overall sound, and a great band. So there.
  6. Liked it. Difficult to keep track of new entrances once the blonde showed up, however.
  7. Once again, I'm gigging and so will miss the shows on Saturday.
  8. 13th Annual EDGEFEST 2009: Reeds of Change, October 14-17, 2009 Kerrytown Concert House 415 North Fourth Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48104 For tickets: call 734-769-2999 or Visit kerrytownconcerthouse.com *********************** Reserve your tickets now! $135 Edgepass $50 Saturday day-pass Individual tickets prices listed below SCHEDULE: Edgefest 2009 (subject to change) WEDNESDAY: 7PM JASON STEIN¹S LOCKSMITH ISIDORE ($15) 9:30PM ROSCOE MITCHELL / THOMAS BUCKNER /STEPHEN RUSH ($20) THURSDAY: 12NOON - VOICE LESSON WITH THOMAS BUCKNER (fringe event - free) 5:30PM - TRAUMA (@ Argieros, fringe event - free) 7PM CONSTELLATION NERO (@ Shaut in Braun Ct, fringe event - free) 8PM TOMAS ULRICH¹S CARGO CULT ($15) OPENING ACT: ANDREW BISHOP¹S BALLAD AGE 10PM POSITIVE KNOWLEDGE ($20) FRIDAY: 7PM Matt Endahl's COLD MINOTAURS TRIO (@ Sweetwaters, fringe event - free) 7PM UM JAZZ AND CREATIVE MUSIC STUDENTS (@ WSG, fringe event - free) 8PM GRAVITAS QUARTET ($20) 10PM 4 ALTOS AND THIRD MAN TRIO ($25) SATURDAY: 12 NOON EDGEFEST PARADE (@ Kerrytown, fringe event - free) 2PM CONSPIRACY WINDS ENSEMBLE ($10) 4PM YUGANAUT WITH ROSCOE MITCHELL ($20) 7PM BRAD SHEPIK¹S ³HUMAN ACTIVITY SUITE² ($20) 9PM REEDING -THE RIOT ACT (FREE) 9PM & 10:30PM HAMSTER THEATRE ($15)
  9. More later, but for now: nice!
  10. Rachel and I were there. Also attended the panel on Dolphy at the "talk tent". We thought Bennie was a cool dude.
  11. The Newbury deal appears to have taken leave.
  12. What's Newbury?
  13. Zero value? No - the "asset column" comment made it for me. Thanks.
  14. I haven't forgotten.
  15. Fine player/funny website.
  16. Nice articles, Mark. I was there for Shorter's set, and Kariem Riggins'. Pretty much agreed with your assesments.
  17. Finally found the pic in your other post. Looks like pine marten to me.
  18. Long couple of nights here - I thought that maybe this was just a sinus infection, but it brought me to my knees a little while ago. Hopefully that was the one and only round.
  19. Been sneezing all day; having a sneezing fit right now. Not a good sign.
  20. Between the Leslie switch and the drawbars, it's a wonder any bass notes got played!
  21. Joe G

    Bill Bruford

    What I liked the most about Earthworks was the songwriting. Not to slight the players, understand. Saw him with KC in the 90's on the Thrak tour, which was a great concert.
  22. I've heard some of Galbraith's Bach, and was quite impressed. Don't actually have a copy of it now, though. Dusan Bogdanovic would be worth checking out. Mysterious Landscape is a beautiful composition. Been getting more interested in this stuff lately.
  23. What - are you only in it for the money? Sounds like a !
  24. It could be verse.
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