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Larry Kart

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Everything posted by Larry Kart

  1. For example, check out my friends who comprise Tres Hongos:



    Their subsequent album is on Spotify.

    We're a toddlin' town.

    Best, Larry

  2. cont'd:

    For example, check out my friends who comprise Tres Hongos:



    Their subsequent album is on Spotify.

    We're a toddlin' town.

    Best, Larry

  3. Great. I'm at:

    Larry Kart

    3070 Dato Ave.

    Highland Park, Il. 60035-1228

    I send some critics' names as soon as I gather their addresses. BTW, by the standards of much of what I listen to, especially much of what's played around Chicago, what I've heard of Plunge, though excellent, isn't that weird. For example, check out my friends who comprise ...

  4. Great. I'm at:

    Larry Kart

    3070 Dato Ave.

    Highland Park, Il. 60035-1228

    I send some critics' names as soon as I gather their addresses. BTW, by the standards of much of what I listen to, especially much of what's played around Chicago, what I've heard of Plunge, though excellent, isn't that weird. For example, check out my friends who comprise ...

  5. Right -- and then she gave Miles a blow job under the table. I remember it well.
  6. Only available as MP3 files? I like a disc I can play on my nice system, not on my computer. Well, that's not very Avante-Garde of you! Yes, but my playback system has a kick-ass amp and B&W speakers, all located in an acoustically near-ideal space, while my computer's speakers are computer speakers.
  7. Keefe Jackson Greg Ward Tim Haldeman Nick Mazzarella
  8. I have now. Quite an improvement over the Timeless IMO. In particular, a good deal more upper-register information (but in balance with the overall sonic spectrum) and a greater sense of space and presence; it's like a cloud of murkiness has been removed. Check out for example Bix's solo on "I Need Some Pettin" -- on the Timeless the timbral shadings on the two key desecending phrases toward the solo's end hardly register; on the new transfers they're magical.
  9. Only available as MP3 files? I like a disc I can play on my nice system, not on my computer. But I assume there's a way I can download the files and then burn them to a CD, right? (I know, i'm an idiot.)
  10. The number of such "Parker" alto saxophones (i.e. ones that he had his hands on that ended up in, and then perhaps emerged from, pawn shops) must be considerable, perhaps more so than in the case of any other jazz musician of note.
  11. Got mine today -- great. Speed correction especially welcome. Fine liner notes. And the music!
  12. I showed this thread to a musician friend of mine and he pointed out that you probably confused Larry Ridley with Larry Gales. According to Robin Kelley's bio, Gales was nursing an injured hand and Steve Swallow filled in for him. I believe that it was about four years later that Larry Ridley joined Monk's group. Right. But all us guys named Larry look the same.
  13. I don't get the impression from my friend the chocolate-cake fanatic that the above is true. Her approach -- and I've observed her at it -- is highly empirical; nothing comes out quite the same twice. I'll ask my chef friend to explain what he thinks the differences are.
  14. Actually, no. As someone who is a very good cook explained to me, cooking and baking are two very different worlds/mind sets. That may be why most upscale restaurants have a chef and a baked goods person (whatever the term for the latter is).
  15. It was baked for me, by a woman who's obsessed with making the perfect chocolate cake. I think she got it.
  16. Me, too. "Easy, Don't Hurt"!
  17. Good birthday. Best piece of chocolate cake I ever ate.
  18. A number of vintage recordings by the late Adelaide, Australia-based Trad (for want of a better term) composer-bandleader Dave Dallwitz are sublime, particularly his "Ern Malley Jazz Suite" and "Gold Fever," both on Swaggie, both seemingly hard to find these days, though you might have some luck in Oz. Dallwitz was a composer in the Morton class -- I'm not kidding.
  19. The eccentric George Handy at his most interesting: http://www.amazon.com/Pensive-George-Handy-His-Orchestra/dp/B000N2H8HI/ref=sr_1_2?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1337265230&sr=1-2 Great album, but in its own sphere I wouldn't say it's overlooked... Right, but there a lot of people who are out of that sphere who would be knocked out by it, I think.
  20. Very good Lion, unbelievable Luckey Roberts: http://www.amazon.com/Luckey-The-Lion-Harlem-Piano/dp/B000000XOA/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1337262349&sr=1-1
  21. Thanks, all. I'm told that 70 is the new 50.
  22. Interesting -- OTOH that passage sounds so Wayne-like, but it is a modified quote, right now I hear as much or more "Out of Nowhere" in it as I do "Beyond the Blue Horizon" (i.e. in what Wayne plays, not in the Star Trek theme). BTW, check out Jeannette McDonald's rather alarming recording of BBB; she owned the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lz4kLiuPf4
  23. Oliver Nelson's "Afro-American Sketches" doesn't seem to get the credit it deserves, aside from an enthusiastic LeRoi Jones (or was it A.B. Spellman?) review in Kulchur when it first came out. Substantial soulful compositions, strong solos, stunning work by the ensemble.
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