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Larry Kart

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Everything posted by Larry Kart

  1. oops -- there's nothing missing from the Johnny Smith set; I just miscounted. BTW. while listening I asked myself while I take Smith seriously as jazz musician. I addition to his technique, I think it's his time; his implacable sense of where "one" is.
  2. Oops, that's Johny Smith Small Group Sessions. Lovely music so far but what's on on those missing (from my set) 53 tracks? I paid for them and would like to hear them.
  3. Some years ago I bough Mosaic's "the Complete Roost Jlohnny Small Group Sessions' and just discovered, in the midst if an otherwise happy listening session that a good deal of the music is missing -- the set's final 53 tracks! I hope Mosaic can do something about thus,
  4. Anybody pick cup that Joe Castro box set that came out a while ago?They're some very good stuff there. A lot of excellent Teddy Edwards, and a some superb 1940s jam session tracks with Teddy Wilson and Stan Getz. Castro, a pretty good pianist, was hooked up with the world's wealthiest woman, jazz fan Doris Duke.
  5. bu. absolutely! Can't stand Cornball Dunlop.
  6. He recorded my sons's now defunct math rock band --Crush Kill Destroy. Good band; they spoke highly of him.
  7. Altoist Loren Stillman's "It Could Be Anything (Freshsound, 2005).Really cohesive group; Stillman is inspired. Bassist Scott Lee contributes mightily, as does Gary Versace, on piano.
  8. Best outburst of applause on a claasical album. At the end of Horenstein's live recording of the Mahler 7th (BBC).Sudden,fierce, spontaneous.
  9. Can't measure what we all owe him.
  10. Woody Herman's "Jackpot!" (Capitol) with the eight-piece band Woody had in Vegas in the summer of 1955. (Dick Collins, Johnny Coppola , Richie Kamuca, Cy Touff, Norm Pockrandt, Monty Budwig, Chuck Flores. Sublime Kamuca, and the best Touff I know.
  11. Delightfully loose album.
  12. Yes we are, technically I suppose,we're not sharing the same dwelling, but and she still says warm caring things to me. My shrink and my lawyer both say how can you ever trust her again? Then there are heavy duty financial considerations. --- a prenuptial agreement that would take a large chunk out of my assets, divorce maybe less so, but I stlll care for her, don't want to hurt her. I don't think of her as a venal person, but she does have a lawyer and who knows?
  13. She said "This is the best place for you," and because dementia is a progressive disease all I could conclude was that she thought I should stay there until I died. But I was only 81, and my dad, though there are no guarantees, made it to 95. Also, when I talked to my friends on the phone, they all said I sounded like myself, and I thought I did too -- though the was then cited was then cited as evidence a la Catch 22 of my continuing deterioration (as in "what would a demented person think"). My lawyer said it was the most amazing situation he had ever encountered. And my wife's role/motivation remains a mystery to me. My shrink's verdict: "second marriage."
  14. I somehow still have warm feelings for my wife but don't understand what she was thinking when she put me in there and lied to me in order to do so. All she will say about it is "I can't go back" (presumably in time). And she came to visit me only three times in those six months.
  15. "Buster Williams Quartet Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1999" (TOB) with Steve Nelson and Carl Allen.
  16. The NE JW was a jazz pianist per see and a damn good one; I believe that he and Horace Silver crossed paths in NE their formative years. John Towner Williams is the film composer. Horace silver v good one who came a film combo;we the WC JW was nst pe v v Moderator 13.2k Location:Highland Park, Il. Posted just now · IP The NE JW was a jazz pianist per see and a damn good one; I believe that he and Horace Silver crossed paths in NE their formative years. John Towner Williams is the film composer.
  17. Westcoast based, kinda bland. The NE JW was akin to Horace Silver and a gas. A Getz sideman.
  18. attorney for healthcare tosign me in there and there I remained for six months until I could scar drooler in wheelchairs re a lawyer to spring me out. it wasn't easy. I had been dignosed with a mild form of dementia, BUT IN THt joint I learned what dementia was reLLY LIKE.droolers sin wheelechairs and guys ahouting obscenitiea.s As several members of the staff said t0 me, "Larry, why are you here?" but with THt power oF thorny in force, I couldnt get out until it was finally revoked. Sorry, my typing skills have yet to recovery.
  19. To be more specific, my wife lied to get me in there. She told me thart her sister was having surgery in NYC (she wasn'O) and the she had to go there to take care od her (she didn't go). Then she SAID THT she couldn't leave met at home with ac .......acarergiver, tookmeto amnassissred living joint without any discussion with me. used hgerpowwr of
  20. not ill but confined to an assisted care living facility from which I've now escaped to home after six months. I do have have a mild form of dementia (so it seems to me and others) but my wife used it as an excuse to put me in the slammer
  21. My wife. It is a long crazy misterioius story to which I may never know all the answers.
  22. I'm back after a six months unfairly enforced absence in an assisted care living facility. Maybe I'll tell you the whole story after enough time has passed, but it's a strange one.
  23. His "thematic" solo on "Green Chimneys" from that album is annoyingly mindless B.S. IMO. He didn't back down from that "challenge,"; he embraced it and then produced pompous musical B.S. His "ambitious" projects likewise.
  24. Yes, Chambers certainly was the victim in the case of Miles' autobiography. But I'd point the finger at "collaborator" Quincy Troupe. As you may know, Dan Morgenstern asked Miles what he thought of the autobiography now that it had been published, and Miles said, ":I don't know -- I haven't read it."
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