Weizen, I don't think Amazon would reveal such information to me. I told my publisher who I thought the poster might be--they had it confirmed. The real question is why Amazon would accept a "review" that is nothing more than a childish, personal insult. They do have a screening process, but you'd never know it. Perhaps they're Republicans!
And here's Lil 30 years later, in the very room of her house where the Hot Five/Seven groups rehearsed. BTW, when I stayed with her, she put me in an upstairs guest room where Joe Oliver sometimes slept when he stayed over.
It's been there since 2001, but I didn't see it until last week. My publisher has contacted Amazon, but it takes them a few days to make changes. What really amazes me is that Amazon didn't immediately peg this for what it is--I know that they screen all consumer reviews.
It's so obviously a childish bit of venom, that I would not have bothered bringing it to Yale U. Press' attention except that the single star brings the average down and, for some odd reason, Amazon does not differentiate between a 30-year-old, out-of-print paperback and the new edition.
Thought I'd add this from the Amazon site
Customers interested in Bessie may also be interested in:
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Carlos Gardel has been among my favorite singers for more years than I can remember. I also don't understand what he is singing, but there is an honesty that grabs me in the very same way that Bessie Smith and Edith Piaf did when I first heard them (and couldn't understand the lyrics, BTW).
When I am asked what it is that so attracted me to Bessie, I always cite Gardel as another example.
And I neither tango nor shimmy.
Yet another photo from the Summer of 1929 trip to NYC. I have as yet not identified Louis' companions, but it was a small band, so the task should be easy. Anyone here recognize them?
Possibilities: Fred Robinson, Bert Curry, Jimmy Strong, Gene Anderson, Mancy Cara, Pete Briggs, or Carroll Dickerson.
PD, I don't recognize the washboard player. Neva was a very pleasant person, but I wasn't too impressed with her singing.
Here's a detail from cast photo for the 1928 Drury Lane Theatre's London production of "Show Boat." That's Paul Robeson and Alberta Hunter, and chorus girl Mabel Mercer is somewhere in the crowd (out of frame here)--as is (Sir) Cedric Hardwicke. The entire photo is too wide to post in viewable form, but I'll try to add it in a greatly reduced version.
Well, Jim, I think I'll wait until it settles and all the wrinkles are straightened out. It was not so long ago that I bought the latest dual-processor G4.
I'll undoubtedly do some drooling, however.
This is from the Amazon site, in response to the paperback edition of my original book:
Needs Proofreader, July 31, 2001
* (one star)
Reviewer: A reader from New York,NY
The man cannot spell and has great trouble with the language. He should write in Danish, then employ a good tranlator.
Just thought I'd share the above with you--I immediately recognized Heaney's infantile touch, but didn't want to mention it until I had proof of authorship, as it were. Amazon has confirmed it and is removing it.
BTW Anyone know a good tranlator?