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Everything posted by Gerry

  1. Oops, you're absolutely right; 11.78dB, actually. Shoulda known better... gotta pay more attention
  2. Most pro gear has an operating level that is 14dB hotter than the consumer standard (+4dBu vs. -10dBu). This means that if the pro box is feeding the consumer box, it will probably distort; and if the consumer box is driving the pro box, you'll end up having to turn the pro box up 14dB to get the same output and in the process you'll end up raising the noise floor of your system by that same 14dB. There are companies that make matching boxes (Aphex, Henry Engineering, and others), but it is often not worth the trouble.
  3. If you're not familiar with the processor Jim mentioned, you're not alone. It isn't available to the public yet (availability is expected within 18 months, if memory serves). But, compared with the other surround matrices available (SRS, Dolby, etc.) it is fairly impressive. Occasionally, some stuff does still show up in surprizing places on playback, but overall it seems to work fairly well. It's also compatible with currently available matrix decoders.
  4. Why, yes. As a matter of fact, I did.
  5. I'd suggest at least giving the Shure KSM line a listen. The KSM32 has, to my ear, superseded both the U87/89 and the AKG C414 as an all-purpose, utility studio mic. If you want something that might prove useful on-stage as well, look at the DPA 4060. It's a miniature (resembles a lav) but it might be one of the most useful and versatile mics on the market.
  6. Manhattan Center is still up and running and it boasts a bit more non-audio history than many other studios. http://www.mcp-studios.com/
  7. I heard from Jim a month, or so, ago. He said he's been busy with, "all good stuff." Hopefully, some of that good stuff will make it into our decks soon.
  8. "Brotherhood of the Bomb; The Tangled Lives of Robert Oppenheimer, Ernest Lawrence, and Edward Teller" by Gregg Herken
  9. This month's Audio Media magazine has an article about the reissue of Peter Gabriel's solo catalog. Unfortunately, it's a trade mag (I don't think it's available on newsstands) but they usually post articles on their website after a month or two. They also talk to Bob Ludwig about the Stones SACD reissues and, as if that weren't enough incentive, they also cover a Motorhead DVD-A reissue. www.audiomedia.com (click to the US regional version)
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