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Jim Alfredson

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Everything posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. If I told you...
  2. Hey all, If you don't have webspace to host your own avatar (the little pictures under your name on every post!) you can now upload them from your computer to the board server. They must be 100 x 100 pixels or less and under 20k in size. Click on "My Controls" in the upper right and go to "Edit Avatar Settings". Have a nice day!
  3. J Larsen, Well, I edited some code and tried to upload my changes, but I keep getting an error. I think this is related to the avatar uploading problem we were having before. I can't seem to upload anything. I'm going to talk to my server dude about this. Might be some permissions I need to set on my directories.
  4. I just found out that Jim's show aired at 1:00am tonight (technically Sunday). But our drummer taped the segment and he said some nice things about the group. Hopefully he'll keep playing tracks off the record.
  5. wesbed, Thank you! We are very proud of the disc. Joe (who posts on this board) and I have been together a long time and we've been dreaming of this record for years. It turned out as good as we could've hoped. We're hoping it takes us to the next level, which is at least regional exposure if not national. We'll see!
  6. Hmmm. I'll see what I can do. It might take a little bit. I'm not up to snuff on this software's code.
  7. Man, I love his tone. Maybe I'm not hearing what you're hearing. I picked up a tenor sax just because of Stanley's tone. I realize I'll never be able to imitate it, but I love it. Again, I suggest Queen of the Organ. That band swings so hard it's a crime!
  8. No shit, Chuck. That's awesome! I wish I could've seen that show. Of course, I was three years old at the time! HA!
  9. Hi everyone, Just a quick note: Jim Wilke, the host of Jazz After Hours, will be playing a track off our new CD tomorrow (Sunday). His show is syndicated on 60 stations around the country so if you're home just chillin', consider tuning in. www.jazzafterhours.org Also, tracks from our CD are being played via the internet on http://www.live365.com/stations/leslieoverdrive.
  10. I don't understand the thin comment. His upper-register is maybe a little thin, but his main sound is PHAT! If you're on the fence about his playing, may I suggest the Shirley Scott record "Queen of the Organ". It's a live date on Impulse from the mid-60s and features some amazing work by Turrentine.
  11. Seems to be working ok... we'll keep an eye on it.
  12. Yeah, the Cook County is the one I have. His disapperance? I haven't heard of this...
  13. Andrew, I'm glad you like it! Jim Wilke is playing it on his Jazz After Hours show out of Wake Forest, so maybe we can hook up a NC show somehow!! That would be fantastic!
  14. I can add that! Yeah, let's get Al over here. I have his email. I'll give a shout out to him.
  15. Soul Stream, The foot/hand technique is the defacto standard for organists. Those that don't use it probably never had anyone show it to them. I was in the dark until my mentor, Doug Decker, showed me the light. All the old school cats use it: It's the Jimmy Smith School of Pedal Playing. McGriff, Holmes, DP, McDuff. Larry Young didn't use much pedals in his later stuff, but he does in the earlier stuff. The AMG cat that said Don doesn't use pedals has no idea what he's talking about. Patterson was bad mofo on the pedals.
  16. I'm still working on that... I can't find what part of the code is being accessed to make the date. I'll figure it out. Having a "Top Ten Posters" with only 85 members is lame, but as more people come over, it'll get more interesting!
  17. That would be totally crazy. Why couldn't he do it? It's not that hard to play organ!
  18. I haven't noticed this. Of course, I've only really listened to it in my car driving to and from gigs/work. I'll have to put it on the big rig!
  19. Man, my favorite Don Patterson? That's a hard one. Like you, I love the Prestige stuff. If I had to choose, I would say "The Exciting New Organ of Don Patterson". Just because it contains his version of The Good Life which is the best organ version of that tune ever.
  20. No wonder you got into jazz! Talk about rebellion!
  21. Very interesting. Unfortunately, organissimo.org isn't in the top 100,000 so no stats on this site. But there's definately been an increase in traffic.
  22. It might take me awhile to figure out what part of the code to revamp... Keep checkin' in...
  23. I'll look into it... it seems like it wouldn't be a problem.
  24. I'm glad to hear it, Saint Vitus! You know, I paid them $30 to set up the online ordering and they also take 20% of every sale which is fine because it costs an arm and a leg to set up the ability to take credit cards from your website. But for that $30 plus $3 that they are making off every sale, I expect the product to be shipped out promptly. They were very kind on the phone, I must say. I decided to go with them instead of CDBaby, because CD baby takes a flat $4 from every order. With CDStreet, if you charge less, they take less and you get a little more bread per sale, dig?
  25. Do they really need to have those on fruit? Are cashiers so dumb they can't remember the code for a peach? They have to scan it... which leads into another story... Don't you hate checking out at a grocery and something doesn't scan... so the cashier just sits there and tries it 5 MILLION TIMES. TYPE THE DAMN CODE IN YOU MORON! What is wrong with people? Also, what's with not saying "Thank You" anymore? I buy $100 worth of groceries and the person doesn't even look me in the eyes, much less talk to me.
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