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Jim Alfredson

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Everything posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. I got him.... He's in the "clickable smilies" window now when you reply to a topic. I made my own, dammit! The shortcut is ": and g"
  2. I can get him if you like...
  3. So I asked my server dude about bandwidth issues and he said it shouldn't be a problem. He's not even going to "raise the rent" so to speak for my website, so everything is groovy! If any of you are looking for webspace, I highly recommend these guys. Chain Communications They are very inexpensive and have a lot of features to offer.
  4. Blue Flames is a swingin' affair! Worth the price of admission for sure. I love anything with Shirley Scott, though. She's very understated, not bombastic, which I like.
  5. Wow. What an ass. I guess he liked the old AAJ board better when there were two people to talk to instead of almost 200. He probably had the rule of the roost. Like I said, this place is for you guys. We can make it what we want.
  6. Chuck, glad you're here. We can make this board whatever we want it to be. I'm open to any and all suggestions.
  7. Yeah, the organist on that Solomon Burke record plays fantastic. Simple, but effective lines, doesn't get in the way, nice registrations on the drawbars. I agree, the art of soul organ is a lost tradition. I'm trying to hook up with a gospel organist I met at a gig awhile back to learn some of his voicings and such. That's where that sound came from.
  8. It's a shame, but I'm having fun! Learning this software is a blast and it's great to see everyone sort of sticking together.... I honestly didn't expect that many people to come over here!
  9. BIG AL! Nice to have you back! Man, I have GOT to get that Plas Johnson disc. I've been meaning to since last year and it just hasn't happened. SHAME ON ME! Me? I'm listening to Shirley Scott with Stanley T on "Blue Flames". The Funky Fox, baby! Oh yeah!
  10. Ok, so harlem.org is rated 439,314 and it gets a traffic rank and yet Organissimo isn't in the top 100,000 so I don't get a traffic rank?! Weird.
  11. wesbed, You can place an order. I'll send out more stock tomorrow. They'll get it Tuesday and start shipping that day. Crazy!
  12. Thanks Jim! I never knew the name of that cat! I LOVE his playing on those Al Green records. He just bubbles back there.
  13. I play with my organ pretty well.... BA-DUM BOOM CHING!
  14. This debate is interesting. Honestly, it's been exciting to see everyone come over here and it would be fantastic if y'all stuck around. Personally, the AAJ forums are nice, but ugly and the software is ugly. BUT, the moderator has been very accomodating to everyone. It comes down to this: This place will be here. If things don't work out at AAJ, this place will be around. But watch out! When Organissimo becomes famous you'll have a bunch of hippie, jam-band kids come in wanting to trade CDr's of live shows!
  15. I'll have to dig this out and listen again myself. What happened to this cat anyhow?
  16. I can change that! In fact, we can add as many smilies as we want. If you have any suggestions, let me know. He looks like he just got Botox treatment.
  17. Crap! I gotta send CDStreet more stock! You guys have sold them out! I'll do that tomorrow. Thank you for your orders. Let me know what you think.
  18. Man, this was the most under-used forum at the ol' BNBB and it seems to be making that distinction for itself here! Oh well...
  19. I'll have to check out those quartet dates....
  20. Unless you get caught behind an old person who unplugs his VCR every night for fear that it will start a fire. Those people and computers are a very bad combination.
  21. I'm wondering about that too! In all honesty, this software was free, so no charge there. My server space costs less than $100 a year, which is nothing. I'm not sure what happens if I start eating up a lot of bandwidth, but I'll ask!
  22. I made it look a little prettier....
  23. For the time being, I put a link at the very bottom of the page... but I don't want to keep it there... I'd rather have it next to "print this topic".
  24. Ok, after working on this for three hours, I've decided to call it a nite. It's now 6am here in Michigan and I'm tired. I can't understand why it doesn't work. All the code seems to be in place, yet no changes show up on these pages... it's very strange. I must be missing something extremely simple. Anyone know html and care to help out?
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