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Jim Alfredson

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Everything posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. Flash is very cool and quite easy to use. Macromedia Webpage Check out the online tour of it's features (you'll need a flash player installed in your browser!) The only downside is that it's relatively expensive. But, I got a copy from my sister who works at Michigan State University and thus gets a nice educators discount.
  2. Yeeehaw! Come on in... make yourselves at home!
  3. Jazzmoose is right. The blue boxes correspond to the number of posts you have. A newbie is internet slang for a person new to the board. They have 0 to 9 posts. At 10 posts, you become a "member". At 100 you become a "Groover" like me! I made up the names. There are different names for different levels and the higher your level, the more blue boxes. It goes up to 10,000.
  4. Thanks, RDK. Yes, there are a lot of options in the "My Controls" section. Check it out!
  5. It be done!
  6. I believe I have that turned off in the control panel... hld on and I'll activate it.
  7. I honestly still haven't been turned on listening to Memphis to New York spirit. I'm sure it'll grab me one day and I'll say "Whoa! Why didn't I hear this before?" I keep trying. That's what happened with Understanding. I think I went in with preconceptions of what it was going to sound like and it took awhile for those preconceptions to fall away and to just listen to the music for what it is.
  8. I've been too busy!
  9. I'm sure cost has something to do with it as well. We could've gone with 24-track 2" analog for our recording, but Pro Tools is cheaper!
  10. You guys are ruthless! 27 years old and he knows more than everyone. Shit, I'm 25. That means I must know more than him!
  11. That is funny stuff! Makes me want to read the book!
  12. Soulstream, Congrats on choosing your avatar! That has to be one of the best organ album covers of all time. Not to mention the music contained within! SMOKIN'!
  13. Joe, I have one record with Rene Thomas on it. A Lou Bennet organ record. Good stuff. I'll let you borrow it.
  14. Where does Antwone Fisher take place? Maybe someone in the screenwriting process was a jazz nut, but determined that they couldn't have a jazz organist 'cos that would be too weird.
  15. Ron is a fantastic musician. Risking sounding like a broken record, he plays on three tracks on our new CD. His work in the studio was extremely professional and fun. I haven't actually seen him play live in some time. I'd love to see the McBride tour, but I think I missed them when they were close by.
  16. I never posted anything like this on the old board, but thought I'd try it here. Do any of you enjoy playing video games? My bro and I like to play online. We've conquered Diablo II many times, Serious Sam online, we like the action games like Quake and Unreal, but right now we're playing Neverwinter Nights. It's a blast! Any video game junkies out there?
  17. Thank you, guys! I'll say it again, any suggestions, feel free to let me know either here or email.
  18. I like your avatar! Very nice! I made my first animated gif a few days ago. I made a banner ad because I'm thinking of purchasing ad space at www.jazzreview.com for our new CD. I used Flash, which I highly recommend.
  19. Sam Yahel is a hell of a keyboardist. I love his organ work. The Redman group came to Detroit, but I was playing and didn't get to see them. I do like both records they've put out, though. The one under Redman's name and the Yaya3.
  20. Soul Stream, First, find a picture you'd like to use. It must be no larger than 100 x 100 pixels. To find out how large a file is if you're using windows, right click on it and choose "properties". You'll need some graphic software to edit the image if it's too big. Once you have an image, remember where you saved it on your computer. Go to "My Controls" at the top right of the page. Go to "Edit Avatar Settings" and then use the browse feature to find your pic on your computer and upload it to the board server.
  21. Jim, What do you think of the ribbon mics from AEA? The studio where we recorded our record just got two of the new R84s and he says they sound amazing. R84 Press Release
  22. The Meters - Best of... Sonny Stitt - Soul Classics
  23. No pop-ups. But soon this whole place will be one big mess of banner ads.
  24. That is hilarious!
  25. How about this guy?
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