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Jim Alfredson

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Everything posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. I should mention that before my van I had a '94 Dodge Intrepid that had 176,000 miles on it and ran great when I sold it to get the van. I only sold it because I needed something to haul the Hammond around in. 115,000 isn't that much. I'd get a rebuilt tranny.
  2. My tranny went out (on the highway!!) in my 1999 Plymouth Voyager. I've had this car since May of last year and I had already put 22,000 miles on it and the tranny went. Luckily I bought an extended warranty and it blew with 2,000 miles left on that warranty. It's been running great since they fixed it, but now I'm worried if something else is going to go. The car only has 68,000 miles on it. Then again, as of today (May 31st) it's been exactly one year since I bought it and I've put almost 28,000 miles on it. Crazy.
  3. Hm... I might have to dive into the programming to do that, since I don't see an option in my setup menus. I'll give it a whirl. Bear with me.
  4. I think a trade is in order. Jim, could we trade you a Live At The Meathouse CD for a Waiting For The Boogaloo Sisters? We'll add it to the organissimo library.
  5. Be sure to thank Use3D for the new roboticons. They are all his.
  6. I say let bygones be bygones. It's his board, he can do what he wishes. Besides, there needs to be differences between the two boards. On this one you can post about your projects. On that one you can't. Big whoop.
  7. Thank you everyone for your purchase and comments. Our goal as Organissimo is to take the tradition of the organ trio and expand it. We're very proud of the CD and personally it makes me want to get back into the studio and do another one. But we have to get this one paid off first.
  8. The new roboticons, courtesy of Use3D are here... Meet the unhappy roboticon: The slightly freaked out roboticon: And the overly happy, just got the oil can in a special place roboticon: ENJOY!
  9. SPAM! Just kidding... looks like a good read... I'll pick it up after the wifey and I buy a house. It'll make for good reading by the bedside in our new home!
  10. I'm gonna go grab this.... I love Teddy's tone.
  11. Well, it's over for the Mavs. Good run. They probably could've pulled it out with Dirk, but whaddya gonna do? Still think the Spurs will win it all.
  12. Seems like that's the one to cover these days. I guess we'll have to do a nasty organ shuffle version.
  13. By all means, Chris. Make a thread in the Jazz In Print forum! Tell us where we can buy it. It's all good!
  14. Done and done... I'm looking for a better looking thumbs up...
  15. The guy I buy webspace from set this one up for me, although I customized the colors and graphics. This particular software is free. You need a server that supports SQL and that's about it, I believe. Does your church have webspace? If not, I highly suggest The Chain. They are super friendly, inexpensive, and can do anything you want.
  16. And another thing (dammit! )... what if Wayne Shorter logged in and made one post about an upcoming concert date or CD? Would his post get the axe?
  17. For the record, my quip about not reviewing our CD was meant as a joke. I don't think I ever sent one (although I can't quite remember now) though I did get an email from Michael when I asked about sending one in for review back in March. As for censorship, I'll say it again: People can run their little corner of the internet as they please. It doesn't concern me. Although I will say it seems strange that musicians can't post about their gigs at a site that calls itself "All About Jazz". Gigs are our bread and butter. We certainly aren't making any money off CDs! I don't have a day job, nor does Randy. This is how we make our living. Seems like we should be able to post about our gigs on a JAZZ bulletin board so fellow jazz listeners know what's up. And what's wrong with some guy logging in and making one post about his new CD release, website, or whatnot? As a musician, I'm proud to offer that service to my fellow jazz musicians. It's not like we get gobs of press. But that's just me. I've had reports of spam from members of this board, but I have yet to delete a topic. I don't find any problem with letting musicians advertise what they're up to. We need to eat, too.
  18. Very cool stuff! I wonder what he'd charge for an album cover!? The next Organissimo album will be out next year!
  19. It's going well. We're looking at October, sometime around Larry's birthday. We've been in contact with the brother of Carlos Santana who mention the idea to him and he was very receptive. We've tentatively got Dr. Lonnie Smith on board as well. We still need to find a venue in New York and also figure out what to do with the money. It seems Guy Sterling, the author of that article, has already purchased a headstone from partly his own money, so we'd like to pay him back. But then the question is what to do with any leftover. We've talked about setting up a scholarship fund at a local university and maybe making this an annual event. Kind of like Pete Fallico's Jazz Organ Fest out on the west coast. Any ideas would be appreciated...
  20. I just realized I typed "hear" instead of "here". That was dumb. Anyway, I don't know how to explain the numbers being off. I am number 2, because when I set the board up it automatically makes an account called "Admin" that is number 1. Strange times.
  21. Welcome, grey. Good to have you hear! This place is so "homey"!!!
  22. I guess it wouldn't do any good to send a CD for review to them, since they're editing out any mention of us from posts.
  23. Our Homepage I just put an Alexa counter at the bottom. We're ranked 387,604th out of all the websites in the WORLD! That's not bad, really. Well, considering www.hotmail.com is 19th I guess it's bad. And AAJ is like 11,186th. But hey, Tony Monaco's site is over 2,000,000th and Larry Goldings site is over 3,000,000th! This is the most popular organ trio site on the web!!!!
  24. Does he have the Turbanator with him and Peter Bernstein?
  25. After spending about $8k on my system, I've hung up my hat. I'll probably eventually upgrade my CD player, but the bug has died for the most part. I'd rather spend my money on instruments!
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