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Jim Alfredson

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Everything posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. Ok people.... word to the wise. Don't come in here and try to be a fucking smart ass or you're gonna get in trouble. I can match IP addresses quite quickly and find if you have another alias on this board. It's pretty stupid. Turns out that Chicken Shack actually is already registered on this board under two other different names. In fact, he posted in this very thread with his other monikor. He has another member account that he hasn't posted under yet. I'm deleting the Chicken Shack account, as well as the other account he created. I will let the other account that he's been using stand since he's been behaving with that one. But let's be smart here, people... I can see where you're posting from, when, who, how, why, etc. Don't come in here and start acting like a boob, all right?
  2. What are they compressed at? How much does it cost per month? I have to say, I miss my broadband connection.
  3. That's what I'm thinking. The last time it went out for any lengthy amount of time was just after they released a virus onto the internet that shut down Windows 2000 servers. My server guy doesn't use Windows, but some of the computers he routes through did and it had affected them.
  4. Jim, No problem. It's too bad you couldn't make it as it would've been nice to meet you face to face, but I'm actually kind of glad you didn't show up! I would've been slightly embarassed. I think Monday was the worst night of the tour. I think everyone was just burned out after 7 gigs in 5 days non-stop. I didn't feel like I played well at all... but that's water under the bridge! I haven't picked up the new Heid yet, but I've been meaning to. He's a monster!
  5. Those "Jazz When You're Alone" et al covers should all be called "Jazz For Skinny White Broads" based on the covers. Just goes to show how dangerous Photoshop can be in the wrong hands. PURE EVIL!!!
  6. I'll talk to my server guy and see if it's him, or if it's a wider problem. The last time it was down for a few hours I don't think it was just my server. I went to several different webpages such as ESPN and noticed that certain ads and graphics would not load which would suggest a problem with their servers as well.
  7. Link or reprint? Personally I hope the music industry as it exists today dies. They've been ripping off artists and listeners since day one.
  8. They should hire no-name actors for these roles. Remember Chris Reeve and Superman? One of the reasons he took the project so seriously is he realized it was his big break. Actors who are already stars playing these characters play them as if it doesn't matter because it doesn't. Just my two cents...
  9. Pretty dumb. Of course, it could be hooey. Someone trying to get money.
  10. I have the original Muse issue of Constellation on CD, but not Tune-Up. Gonna have to look for it.
  11. Finding Nemo is a well-written, well-acted, hilarious movie. Are you saying nothing in the Terminator franchise will beat T2, or nothing in the action movie genre? If the latter, I would have to disagree!
  12. Damn right... don't forget it, you whippersnappers!!! The subtitle for this thread should be "Who's Your Daddy?" Can I edit it?
  13. What's the etc? Most of the telemarketing calls I get are actually from telephone companies, so the national list won't do shit for me.
  14. All I have to say is that it's quite scary that you know the precise date you put your cable modem in service. Actually, what's even scarier than that is that it didn't even last a year! What a piece of junk! I hope you have a warranty on that bugger.
  15. That's really really stupid. Why not spead all that time and money helping someone or many ones?
  16. A friend of mine got one a week or two ago that claimed his account was going to be suspended due to illegal activity. He knew something was up since he hasn't used Ebay in months. He clicked on the link the email provided, which looked like a real Ebay link (ie, www.cgi-ebay.blahblahblah) but once there he realized the actual address had nothing to do with ebay in the domain name. It wanted his name and address, and his account name and password. He's not computer savvy, so he forwarded the email to me and I said "DON'T DO IT!!" I had him forward a copy to Ebay.
  17. Haha! Thanks, Brother Ben for the review! Just for the record, Ben is a good friend and fine musician so his review might be a tad biased.... maybe. Can I quote that shit? :0
  18. I used to live in an apartment in Ann Arbor and my next door neighbors were this really old couple who had their 30-something son living with them. I constantly smelled pot whenever I walked by their door or opened my patio... and I think it was the old people, not the son. Oh and the best part is this son, who was at least 35, had a beautiful, brand new black Monte Carlo all tricked out with booming sound system. Yeah buddy! Go pick up a hot date and bring her back to your parent's apartment for some good lovin'!!! Anyway, I had a Hammond organ with a 31H Leslie. This is the model that is about 5 feet tall (much bigger than the ones Jimmy Smith uses on the road, for example) and produces an enormous amount of low end. I had in right against the wall that was their living room wall. I used to practice during the afternoons and the old dude would come over and bitch and me and say he couldn't hear his TV. I told him to fuck off... it was 2 in the afternoon. I really wanted to get up one Sunday morning at about 7am and take them to church. You know, play some nasty gospel on that organ at top volume. But the apartment flooded and we moved out of there before I had the chance.
  19. Randy's been talking about this one to me all week. I'm going to have to pick it up.
  20. I saw Jimmy Smith at the Magic Bag in October and he played his ass off. I'm mad at him because he was in a pissy mood and I couldn't get back stage to meet him, my hero. But I am grateful I got to see him and that he was still playing well. I didn't get to see Turrentine either. He was scheduled to play at the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival on Thursday and he died the Sunday before... broke my heart. I can't really add anything beyond what Soulstream said. Jimmy is jazz Hammond and always will be. I pray he gets better.
  21. All right... today is the last day for submissions... make 'em now. Anything submitted after midnight will be too late!
  22. Yeah, get some Getz with Jobim. Everybody loves those records! Ella with Louis too. Those are hip, accessable, swinging sides!!
  23. Aw, you guys are making me blush!! I'm currently working on clubs in Chicago. We'd really love to play the Green Mill. Any other suggestions? As for Providence, I assume you mean Rhode Island? Again, any suggestions? We're in the midst of planning an East Coast tour...
  24. Man, I should've went with these guys a long time ago! That's funny stuff! Thank you again for ordering a copy! Hope you like.
  25. Is Detroit trying to be the next Sacramento? First they take Darko (no big surprise there and a good pick) and then they take that Argentina guy... the Pistons are the next UN of the NBA!
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