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Jim Alfredson

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Status Updates posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/king-tamir-rice-modern-day-emmett-article-1.2479611
  2. Off to Winters, CA to play a show at the Palm's Playhouse with Janiva Magness. Let's hope this nasty flu bug I picked up yesterday doesn't rear it's ugly head again.

  3. Romney makes more in one day than the average American family makes in a year.

  4. Playing the Regattabar tonight in Cambridge MA. #johnnyharvard

  5. The show at Palm's Playhouse last night was SOLD OUT, standing room only. Wow. The band tore it up and Janvia was on fire. I love playing with this band! :) A day off today. I think I might hit the elliptical to run off some of this energy from last night!

  6. I just had to upgrade my Google Mail account to 20GB because I was almost out of the 7GB allotted. Crazy. We live a digital life.

  7. Playing the Bethesda Blues & Jazz Club tonight! Come one, come all! I will be spinning two Hammond SK1's from the tips of my fingers while reciting the Gettysburg Address and drinking a chai latte. At least that's what I'll be thinking about during Matt Tecu's drum solo (yeesh). 8pm!

  8. Greg Nagy's latest Stranded is at the top of the Roots Music Report. I produced, engineered, mixed, wrote, performed, and sang on this CD. You got your copy yet? http://www.rootsmusicreport.com/charts/view/album/genre/r-b/weekly

  9. Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height,
    Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    ~Dylan Thomas
  10. Last day of voting for the Blues Music Awards. (Insider tip: My boss, Janiva Magness, is nominated for four awards).

  11. Last night at Founders with organissimo was way too much fun! The fun continues at Ottawa Tavern tonight, 8pm to midnight.

  12. Matt Tecu is the greatest human being to ever live.

  13. Need your acoustic piano tuned? How about some work on your Wurlitzer or Rhodes electric piano? Hammond tonewheel organ or Leslie repair? Give me a shout.
  14. Ottawa Tavern again tonight with organissimo! 8pm start! Come spend Saturday night with us, listening to funky jazz, and enjoying some great food and drinks!

  15. organissimo hasn't played the Detroit International Jazz Festival since 2007. I apply every year. What gives?

  16. "What you need are fewer possibilities that are more interesting. The whole emphasis of synthesizer design has been to give you more and more options. It's not more options you want. It's more useful options."

  17. I saw it tonight and it was fun but predictable. A bit lazy, perhaps and essentially a pseudo-reboot. But my biggest issue with it is the same as with most modern movies; the insulting degree to which they purposely manipulate you. "Cry here." "Feel empathy here." "Ok, here's where you should feel joy." It's an assembly-line-by-committee method of movie making that's incredibly tiring and devoid of soul. I honestly couldn't even take Harrison Ford seriously. It was like watching Harrison Ford pretending to be Han Solo at a costume party.

    And then there's the overriding smell of monetization. As the LA Times reviewer wrote:

    "Sitting in the theater at "Avatar," I felt like I was being pounded into submission by a giant hedge fund. Watching "The Force Awakens," I felt as though I was being shown a trailer for the next four movies in the series."

    Everybody knows where it's going. Everybody knows it's just a vehicle to sell merchandise. But it was fun. Like drinking a Coke Slurpee.
  18. Oh, Canada! Playing the Southside Shuffle in Port Credit, ON tonight. 11pm. Rock!

  19. I've converted to Islam. My new name is Kareem Paula Abdul Jar Jar Abbar.

  20. "you can’t manage that today, this dope-filled world, and get in a long tube with a bunch of demons, and it’s deadly…"

    By "that", Copeland is referring to standing in the aisle of the airplane and talking out loud to God. This is his excuse for needing a $6 million private jet. Or two. Which brings up a few questions: 1) Why do you have to stand up and talk out loud to talk to God? 2) You're a preacher; aren't you supposed to talk to the regular public, try to get them to convert, not isolate yourself from them? 3) How is not being able to stand up and talk to yourself out loud "deadly"?

    Of course, we're talking about a guy that lives in multi-million dollar mansions who somehow convinces people to keep giving him money even though he offers nothing of value. Kind of like George Lucas and the Star Wars franchise (see what I did there?)
  21. Voting ends March 1 at 7:59:59 CST. Go to blues.org and cast your vote for your favorite blues artists in this year's Blues Music Awards. Insider tip: Janiva Magness has for nominations! :)

  22. Sheesh people can be so stupid. Currently on FB, it's "photos" (all of which are fake / photoshopped) proving that Obama doesn't put his hand to his heart during the national anthem or uses the wrong hand. Really? Is this all you have now to fuel your hatred? Disagree with his policies all you want, but don't be a gullible, petty shithead. Thanks!

  23. Onward to Peterborough, ON. Showplace, 8pm.

  24. I've got it. Just make homosexuality a religion. Problem solved.

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