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Everything posted by ArtSalt

  1. Both of these are on this boxed set, where I encountered them recently for the first time. I've never seen them recommended before and they are both, as you say, excellent. I have the French edition of Worlds of Stan Getz and that's where I first encountered Forest Eyes. A shame the quality of the packaging is awful with little protection to the CDs. One album that I doubt will make it as someone favourite Getz album: Stan Meets Chet.
  2. I agree, Mosaic's strength now is in older jazz, even a Fire House Five box set wouldn't go a miss in my considered opinion. The 50s Hank Mobley set has been around for seemingly ages....too many sources for BN re-editions these days, not so the complete H.R.S. Sessions, which is a lovely set that you ain't going to compile anywhere else easily. It's the older stuff that still holds a mystique with me as regards Mosaic.
  3. The Roost sessions I play a lot on Japanese CD remaster volumes 1+2, also the Clef and Norgran albums on the recent Verve box-set, of the bossa-nova stuff only playing the live album with Astrud Giberto Getz Au Go Go these days with a groovy long version of Summertime. A Dutch album from a film, which predicts the whole Jazz FM back-ground music phenomena, but manages to instill all the positive aspects of this, is Forest Eyes from 1980. Well worth checking out. Hasn't been mentioned before on this topic.
  4. I purchase my Jazzhus CDs from the Jazz Center here in the Hague, and I am very impressed with the ongoing re-issues and live albums. Obviously, the 3 Dick Morrissey sessions and live gig are stand-outs, but also Ben Webster and Stan Tracey live are excellent too. On the mainland European front: The Modern Jazz Gang Miles Before And After , Romano Mussolini's Jazz allo Studio 7 and the bassist Johnny Raducanu Jazz In Trio are all superb. A really nice little label re-issuing some discerning stuff.
  5. Someone once told me, your choice of online avatar speaks volumes about your character and personality.
  6. Mine is quite clear, I am Art Pepper's dealer, Mario Cuevas.
  7. I heard from a source that they had down gone down from 10 working in the warehouse and shipping dept to 2. That might explain the error.
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