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Carl Baugher

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Everything posted by Carl Baugher

  1. I've been enjoying re-visiting these recordings very much. I second colinmce's comment. Charlie is great throughout.
  2. So sorry to hear this.
  3. Sure was.
  4. All things considered, Ornette or Miles.
  5. Sorry to hear this.
  6. I admit to being a bit surprised at the tone in the early chapters which seemed overly critical but I have found some of the detail fascinating so far. In my view, no single writer will ever have the whole, balanced story and I read these works with that thought in mind.
  7. I'm a fan. Third is my favorite but anything from '68 to mid seventies falls in my preference range.
  8. Good day for a Traneathon!
  9. Yes, indeed! Wishing the great Sonny Rollins a happy and healthy birthday.
  10. Enjoying much Pres today on his birthday.
  11. The new Coltrane Sun Ship box of LPs. I never seem to tire of this music.
  12. Sorry to hear this. She was great in "Five Easy Pieces" and very good in a number of other roles. Her chemistry with Nicholson was obvious. She was also outstanding in "Drive, He Said."
  13. Loved George. He will be missed.
  14. All the best to Arthur.
  15. Glad to hear about the Japanese award. Well-deserved.
  16. I listened to the first disc of this new Mosaic set ("The Moontrane" with alt. takes) and the sound is quite good. Musically, it's interesting to me and very representative of Woody at his best, IMO. Looking forward to going through the rest of the box but I like to take my time and savor it.
  17. Got my copy today and am eagerly anticipating spending some quality time with it...soon!
  18. Just got this today! Can't wait to delve into it...soon.
  19. A beloved actress and for good reason. She had a long life and did good work. That's about all one can ask.
  20. I'm wishing him all the best.
  21. Good to see that he's getting back out there!
  22. Gotta get that one!
  23. Sorry to hear that. A fine musician, to be sure.
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