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A Lark Ascending

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Everything posted by A Lark Ascending

  1. I imagine that 'criticism' is only held in high regard by critics and their hangers on. Too much of it seems to be screaming 'look at me, look how hard I am to please, look how discriminating I am.' Writing that can explain what is really going on in in a piece of music (to be distinguished from writing that projects the writer's obsessions onto the music)...worth its weight in gold.
  2. We Brits are more into 'direct action' these days - see the streets of London last month!
  3. I have no understanding of these things but that was the sort of thing I suspected. Next time things slow down I'll sabotage the local electricity sub-station.
  4. Very sad. I've been on a Collier binge over the last few weeks. A very distinct voice who rarely seemed to get the attention of other excellent UK modernist writer/arrangers. He's best known for his 60s/70s work but there are some excellent recordings from recent years.
  5. That's what I'd have thought. But I'd been downloading a few things dead slow just prior - in fact an amazon download was in progress and got interrupted. When I restarted it immediately after the outage everything was back to how it had been in July. Probably coincidence. Maybe God's way of telling me...something... If it had happened in Penzance the answer would have been obvious. Pirates. Given all the choices in the world to launch their arrival I really can't imagine a bunch of ETs are going to head for Worksop.
  6. The usual confusion going on here between what is significant and what is enjoyable. Is Clapton historically significant in the sense of being an innovator or utterly distinct voice in 20th/21st C music? Probably not. Was he historically significant in the development of rock? Unquestionably. Big influence on the UK rock bands of the 60s and 70s (how many kids took up guitar after hearing him?); and on the rock music that was influenced by the latter. Is his music enjoyable? Well, obviously responses will vary based on individual listening preferences and context. But I'd imagine there are millions who would say 'yes' to at least part of his catalogue. Is this release significant? I've not heard anything apart from a bit of that clip but it seems highly unlikely. Is it enjoyable? Did nothing for me and it won't be on my Xmas list but people with other listening priorities... However, it's much easier to default to personal musical preconceptions about Clapton or Marsalis and manufacture outrage. Never mind.
  7. For the past few weeks downloading from all sources has been painfully slow on my computer. On Friday night we had two power cuts (very rare here) - only a matter of seconds in each case, but enough to confuse my Freeview box to lose its aerial settings (until reset). But immediately afterwards downloads were whizzing again! What's going on?
  8. I suspect Margaret nicked it years ago in order to make an impression down at Ronnie's.
  9. The RCA Centennial box. The Mosaic 30s small group box The Mosaic 30s big group box Such Sweet Thunder The Queen's Suite (because it was my first Ellington). Cheating, I know. But Blanton/Webster ain't a session, so...
  10. I agree. All too often sucked into indifferent projects and 'modernising' production techniques but playing 'Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs' right through is still a thrill. Very fond of the Unplugged album (especially 'Layla'!!!!) too. And the live album with Steve Winwood a while back was great entertainment. This release just looks like a very typical pre-Xmas marketing project (Bob Dylan's Xmas Album II can't be far behind). I can assure you all that it will not end civilisation. Now the up and coming 'Lady Gaga and Anthony Braxton: Celebrating the Big Apple'...there we might have problems.
  11. Really enjoyed the Sonny Rollins at the end.
  12. Anyone noticed how Keith Jarrett grunts on his recordings?
  13. Only useful to UK chaps and chapesses but Amazon.co.uk has a 2 for £10 offer going until 30th Sept. Any albums under £8 qualify. Which is a fair few.
  14. Would that be 'I'm too great and mighty to pay my taxes in Ireland' Bono? Relieved to hear his retirement is secure thanks to this change.
  15. Much as I've sneered at the boutique boxes, I think this is a splendid release. It will be good to hear live versions of some of the tunes from the albums of the time. Looking forward to it.
  16. One thing that grates about this is the sense that it is a response to pressure from business interests in the US. I can appreciate it must be annoying to have European imports going against US laws - but that should be an issue of US law enforcement, not a capitulation of Europe to US choices (and I know that is not the only pressure for this change). Anyway, when it comes to post-1963 music which is generally album assembled the cat is already out of the bag via illegal downloads. I intend to protest by completing my Cliff Richard collection via alternative internet sites.
  17. I use Lovefilm too to get things on disc. Very good it is. Interesting to read your streaming experience, Bill. Clearly we'll have to wait a while yet for this to become a realistic option. Despite having an unstoppable desire to fill my house with CDs (or CD-Rs) I've never got into DVD buying apart from the odd title - I rarely watch things more than once. Lovefilm fits that perfectly, having a much broader range than the old Video shops. Still think the company's choice of name a bit odd - sounds like a supplier of porn movies.
  18. Very nice. Newcastle way?
  19. The internet will simply become even more people's friend.
  20. Good to see the music industry really caring about fairness. Can we expect an announcement in the next few days about how those companies will be compensating all the musicians they diddled out of money through unfair contracts?
  21. Going back to Stevens, he'd be an ideal Jazz Library subject. Still lots of people who played with him in his glory days and many more taught by him. Martin Davidson would be perfect. Edit: Interesting interview with Stevens here from 1987. You can see why some found him 'difficult'! http://richard-scott.net/interviews-with-improvising-musicians/334-2/
  22. And 'Cleopatra's Needle'!
  23. Presumably to be followed with an album of rap, hip-hop, techno and indie rendered in spacious, drum-machine free, glacial soundscapes?
  24. That's because New Yorkers move too unhealthily fast to have time to notice beauty. Sad, but true. Please, please take me to the English Countryside. I promise to be good. OK, I'll settle for Woodstock. Er, Poughkeepsie?................ And I move too slowly, having to nudge those sheep along, to notice excitement and energy.
  25. That sounds good. Nice to have something to look forward to. [As in 'a new reissue or release to build up some anticipation' - re-reading the above it came across as a cry of despair!]
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