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A Lark Ascending

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Everything posted by A Lark Ascending

  1. You could always make the 300 physical run an 8 CD set with lavish packaging - 1 disc with the official album, 4 with the same music in different formats, a live disc and 2 of out-takes, in-takes or under-takes. Oh, and don't forget the secret 'reversed polarity' ninth disc.
  2. I think your 300 CDs + Download option should work well. You have a loyal base here, many of whom like their physical CD. They'll probably snap them up on release. In the long-term I can't see the physical CD surviving beyond the sort of mega seller that might shift in a supermarket and special editions for collectors (a bit like vinyl today). Seems like you are adapting to that market with your Download + limited CD run model.
  3. As a friend in Boston pointed out years ago, the obvious one missing from the gerund series was "Fuckin' With the Miles Davis Quintet." 'Pushin' to the Miles Davis Quintet'?
  4. Bizarre behaviour from strange ladies.
  5. And many, many more 'we're too hip to sound our gs' album covers.
  6. people in front of brick wall.
  7. Cheeks! (please restrain yourselves from making the obvious comparison with the...ahem...'erect' trumpet bell end. This is a family site)
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