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Jason Parker

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    Jazz Trumpet

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'm a huge Johnny Coles fan, and second the recommendations for the ones mentioned already. One that hasn't come up is Frank Morgan's Bebop Lives, which is a live date featuring Coles. Great stuff from two underappreciated masters.
  2. Not to toot my own horn (yes, I know it's an awful pun coming from a trumpet player...deal with it), but I play in a band called Water Babies, and we play what we call "Spontaneous Funk". It's all improvised (no charts, no changes, no plan other than to get yer booty shakin'). Check out our web page, and if you like what you hear, you can purchase the CD Draw Me a Bath at CD Baby or download it at iTunes. Jason
  3. You don't need two sound cards. If you're using a Mac, download Audio Highjack. Great program.
  4. When you find them, I hope you'll share...
  5. Isn't calling Eddie Henderson a "true original" a bit over the top? Guy Not in my opinion. I think Eddie is one of the true giants of the trumpet, and I can recognize his sound in about 2 notes. That's my definition of an original. And harmonically, he's at the top of the heap. If you haven't seen him play recently, do yourself a favor and do what you must to see him. His control of the horn and knowledge of the music is astounding. Sure wish they were bringing this show to the NW!
  6. So, you were watching the game while playing, eh? No wonder you set yourself up on that side of the stage. Now that it's baseball season, am I going to have to switch sides with you?????
  7. forgive me, i'm a newbie!
  8. I just read through the Giant Steps post. Even though I really don't like playing that tune on a gig (so few people can play it musically), there were some cool ideas on how to approach it. This may or may not help you play the tune, but damn if it isn't one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. Be sure to have your volume turned up, and pay attention to the detail the creator used. Giant Steps Video
  9. Hi Jason! Here's your new avatar! i like yours MUCH better! keep on keepin' on....
  10. Welcome Jason! thanks all! i'm happy to have found another place on the web were jazz is loved and nurtured and discussed. i hope i can contribute. and free for all...nice welcome for a vegetarian!
  11. exactly! well put, joe. that's the problem i'm having. and i do agree that most of the work should be completed before you even hit the studio. i certainly could have been more prepared, but at the same time i thought that if we waited until all four of us felt prepared, we'd never get into the studio! at a certain point i felt the pressure of a looming date would push us to prepare ourselves, and it did to an extent. thinking about space is a great idea!
  12. greetings, i'm new to these forums. TroyK is the bassist in my quartet, and he hipped me to this space. i just read through his 'rut' post, and i have to say that the whole band, collectively and as individuals, found the process of rehearsing and recording quite gruelling. there were many reasons for this, some touched on by troy, and some by the replies. one of my biggest obstacles in this process was in the studio itself. i find that as soon as the record light goes on, my whole mindset changes and i can't seem to find away to stay in the moment and just let the music come out of me. when we're warming up, i'm fine. when we checking levels, i'm fine. but as soon as the engineer says go, i'm lost. so my question is this: how do you get comfortable in the studio? have you found things that make the experience easier, and more immediate? any help is greatly appreciated. jason
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