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Everything posted by erwbol

  1. I'm about to pull the trigger on this. 28 copies left on Bandcamp. I emailed Jazz Messengers to ask if they will be getting stock.
  2. UEFA is considering moving Euro 2020 (semi-)final(s) from Wembley to Hungary. https://www.vi.nl/nieuws/uefa-overweegt-slotfase-ek-te-verplaatsen-naar-hongarije
  3. Beyond Evil (Gwimul), South Korean serial killer drama. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13634872/?ref_=tt_mv_close
  4. Trompeta Toccata, sounds spectacular! Probably my favourite of the Kenny & Joe albums.
  5. Imagine paying EU VAT plus import duties on that... It would add another $783.85 + €14.
  6. From that Wikipedia page it looks like Afrocentrists live in la-la land.
  7. His continued reference to Egyptian spirituality is what's called Afrocentrism?
  8. The Wokischer Beobachters - We Identify, Therefore We Are
  9. Anthony Braxton Seven Compositions (Trio) 1989 (Hat Hut Records)
  10. Woke Mobilization - No Room For Whitey!
  11. After reading that Grammy interview, Anthony Braxton is a hero of mine more than ever.
  12. I think the nature of Braxton's work would qualify him and his work as what's called 'white adjacent' by wokies. So, his views shouldn't come as a surprise, but still a relief.
  13. The studio portion was reissued recently, but, yeah, they really need to put the live discs out there as well.
  14. Only just now started reading the Grammy interview. Great to see Anthony Braxton blasting woke academia! Thanks, @Rabshakeh.
  15. Quacks! Cecil Taylor was a genius. Safe bet you aren't.
  16. Air 80° Below '82 (Antilles, J33D-2008)
  17. Masks prevent the spread of the virus, so it is important to keep wearing them after you get vaccinated for as long the authorities request you do. As for the vaccine, I was offered Moderna and got my first shot this afternoon.
  18. The packaging is always the same and inadequate for fragile soft cardboard paper sleeves. My Dexter Gordon Muzak mini-LP arrived damage last year. It simply won't withstand any pressure applied to it during transportation & delivery. If you're lucky this won't happen to you, but I am not willing to take that chance again. They are fine for jewel cases, which are easily replaced, or even the hard cardboard mini-LPs, which the Muzaks are not.
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