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Everything posted by erwbol

  1. Album Covers With Musicians Barking Up The Wrong Tree. Album Covers With Musicians Falling From Trees. Album Covers With Musicians Skydiving Without A Parachute. Album Covers With Musicians Who Hate Album Covers Threads.
  2. Captain Screw Screw You Toutes
  3. American tourist gives Florence the finger.
  4. Same here. Braxton Willisau 1991, please.
  5. The Sopranos season 6.
  6. Special Forces Special Circumstances Contact
  7. The Black Saint/Soul Note remasters I was able to compare to the originals suffered particularly from excessive highs. This way the sound got in the way of the music, instead of helping to elevate it further. Perhaps if I had nothing to compare them to... They did not suffer from high volume levels, unlike the Impulse Originals series. For instance, the remastering on Coltrane's Crescent creates earsplitting peaks, particularly obvious and intolerable on headphones. It also has a lot of bottom end. Those kind of remasters are the most fatiguing around and can give you something approaching a (minor) headache. Like I said before, the sound should further elevate great music, not detract from it. I would rather have less titles/CDs in pleasant sound than become a completist again. Perhaps for people who have been listening to this music for decades seeking out more obscure recordings by favourite artists becomes a necessity as they tire of the classics. This could possibly lead you to become less critical of sound quality as you have to make do with what little is available? David Murray's The Hill has great sound quality on the old CD substantially enhancing my enjoyment of the music when listened to on a good sound system. This is why I try to avoid listening to favourite albums on my iMac. That's not saying sound is more important than the music. I'm generally very critical of both.
  8. PM on 16 Mal Waldron Evidence (Dark Light 1991) rare CD, like mint, literally played once since removed from shrink wrap.
  9. I briefly downloaded the WSQ and compared (a while ago). It confirmed my suspicions about the hot treble. It made those early WSQ discs sound even less appealing. Some of the later discs like Andrew Hill's Shades and Verona Rag sound excellent and need no remastering. Neither does David Murray's The Hill (likely on the new set).
  10. If it has the same hot treble mastering they needn't bother. I lost my appetite for these sets with the Murray Octet. I really need to download some of these sets to compare to some of the old CDs I own.
  11. The John Coltrane Quartet Plays (Analogue Productions, Hybrid SACD)
  12. The Sopranos season 3.
  13. Dog Bulgakov Behemoth
  14. My first Cecil Taylor CD was Looking (Berlin Version) The Feel Trio. I selected this particular disc after reading Taylor's entry in the 4th Penguin Guide. First listening to that I felt like I'd hit bull's eye.
  15. From the BNLT999 re-issue series: TOCJ-50281 Lou Donaldson - Midnight Sun TOCJ-50279 Hank Mobley - A Slice Of The Top TOCJ-50296 Hank Mobley - Third Season TOCJ-50286 Larry Young - Mother Ship
  16. Fabulous photo! MG Is that an actual album cover? Is it out on CD? This just a photo.
  17. Sorry, but Sonny's first comments on the world being so screwed up only a deity could have done it make no sense.
  18. Yes I would. I would certainly refuse to pay to see him.
  19. I'll be drinking this tonight over dinner.
  20. Tell that to the Scottish and their deep fried Mars bars.
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