The Black Saint/Soul Note remasters I was able to compare to the originals suffered particularly from excessive highs. This way the sound got in the way of the music, instead of helping to elevate it further. Perhaps if I had nothing to compare them to...
They did not suffer from high volume levels, unlike the Impulse Originals series. For instance, the remastering on Coltrane's Crescent creates earsplitting peaks, particularly obvious and intolerable on headphones. It also has a lot of bottom end. Those kind of remasters are the most fatiguing around and can give you something approaching a (minor) headache.
Like I said before, the sound should further elevate great music, not detract from it. I would rather have less titles/CDs in pleasant sound than become a completist again. Perhaps for people who have been listening to this music for decades seeking out more obscure recordings by favourite artists becomes a necessity as they tire of the classics. This could possibly lead you to become less critical of sound quality as you have to make do with what little is available?
David Murray's The Hill has great sound quality on the old CD substantially enhancing my enjoyment of the music when listened to on a good sound system. This is why I try to avoid listening to favourite albums on my iMac. That's not saying sound is more important than the music. I'm generally very critical of both.