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Posts posted by Pim

  1. 10 hours ago, mhatta said:

    Agreed.  Elmo Hope should be heard more.  I think his best is when he plays with Philly Joe Jones.


    Yes I love Hope. Probably one of the most underrated pianists, always in the shadow of Powell and Monk. I love these ones




  2. 22 hours ago, sonnymax said:

    Download it at various sites for $5-$10. Burn it if you must. Enjoy the music. Problem solved.

    Well call me oldfashioned but I collect cd’s. But If its the last resource I always download of course.

    3 hours ago, felser said:

    The 92 Bellaphon doesn't' sound great, and I don't remember the vinyl sounding great back in the day (for any of the Strata-East releases, truth be told, and I had/have a lot of them).  Sounds like the Japanese release is the way to go, price permitting.  Re: Tolliver - the All-Stars date (Tolliver/Bartz/Hancock/Carter/J. Chambers) never did make it to CD to my knowledge.  Everyone needs to grab "The Ringer" while they can, and the Mosaic Selects of the Strata-East stuff.

    Thanks for your input. I am going for the Japanese version when I spot one for a reasonable price. But you’re right... all those records are out of print these days and the prices are ridiculous. Strata East is a good example but also India Navigation and many more. Mal Waldrons catalogue is almost completely out of print. It’s getting harder and harder to buy some essentials for me...

  3. I’ve got a question about this one too. I recently bought the 1992 Bellaphon/Strata-East german version. I think the sound quality is very poor. The horns are very loud and sharp and almost make you’re ears bleed, while the rythm section is far in the background. Anyone with the same experience with this version? 

  4. Love his work for Milestone! I have got:



    Echoes of a Friend


    Fly With The Wind

    Song of the New World


    I personally see his solo outing ‘Echoes of a Friend’ as his finest. Love that album. ‘Fly With The Wind’ is the one I not really like. For me the strings on that album just don’t work. 

    What really irritates me is amateurish way these sessions have been reissued by OJC. His name is misspeled on two of my reissues, on the side! His name according to OJC is: McCoy Turner, McCoy Tyurner. The title of Echoes of a Friend is misspelled as Echoes of a Frien. Also: I really dislike the sound  quality of Sahara. Anyone else that recognize these problems?

    Apart from this: these are wonderful recordings from a very fruitful period of this wonderful pianist. Enjoy them multiple times a month!

  5. Dont know about the Timeless cds but those look very nice. Thanks for the dip.

    talking late Pharoah, I always enjoy very much:


    Marvelous ballad playing. Lots of Coltrane material and yes the influence is there but he still sounds unique. And the music is just beautiful.


    Little less interesting in my opinion but the version of Ole is an absolute killer. One o the best I have heard.

  6. 2 hours ago, BeBop said:

    Agree.  I inadvertently ended up as a Tchangodei completist.  The sides with Archie Shepp are particularly good. ("Eagle's Flight" and "Ginseng" on Volcanic) as well as those with Steve Lacy.  ...and "Pure Blues".

    Mentioned him a couple of times last week. He is a wonderful pianist indeed! Unfortunately the Volcanic label is defunct so releases are more to get, especially on cd.

  7. Now I do not really have a problem with it. But how is this topic on Fresh Sound and Lone Hill Jazz allowed, and my Coltrane topic not? All the reissues of those Coltrane bootlegs were on the sub labels of Fresh Sound... Lone Hill Jazz, RLR, Definitive and Gambit. 

    Dont get me wrong I would really like this topic to be open but I just don’t see any difference.

  8. 8 hours ago, Adam said:

    Never heard of seen this, and I'm a big Mal Waldron fan.  A trio with two pianos?

    Yes its Mal Waldron in the left channel and Tchangodei is in the right. It’s a great record. Especially Mal’s composition ‘Seagulls of Kristiansund’ this time with Archie Shepps bluesy tone.  Recommended! I am going to a cd/vinyl fair coming Saturday and hope to pick up a cd copy there but to be honest, I don’t think it’s going to happen...

  9. 7 hours ago, Dmitry said:

    Obviously I wasn’t describing the second coolest kid in Benelux, but some average eighteen year old.

    That makes me wonder who the coolest is then... haha. But seriously: the average kid would not be happy with this box set, so why would you give it to him. I am a high school teacher so I know for sure. But if the teenager already has an interest in jazz or fusion, this box set would be one of the best gifts possible. Box sets were always well presented on my wishlist as I couldn’t afford them myself at the time with my minimum wage job.

  10. 2 hours ago, Dmitry said:

    Teenagers don’t listen to albums, they play individual songs.  Who the hell gives a 15 cd set of any one thing to a 18 y.o.?!

    if it comes to that decision, just buy an iTunes or amazon gift card.


    Wow, that is a sweeping statement. And it is nonsense too. I received Ayler’s ‘Holy Ghost’ set for my seventeenth birthday and bought Miles’ complete Columbia Album Collection when I was nineteen. It hasn’t make me worse, in fact I was very, very happy with them and they did contribute to my own musical development. And it sure didn’t mean that Ayler or Davis were the only people that I played in my tiny bedroom at my parents house.

  11. What about Tchangodei? In my opinion an underrated jazz pianist with a lovely touch. These are my two favorites:


    Hard driven modal freejazz with the wonderful Steve Lacy. The title song is amazing. 


    This one is one of my all time favorite jazz recordings. I have been searching for a cd version for 8 years now and I still haven’t found one :( the Volcanic label is now defunct. Still dying to get a copy.

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