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Posts posted by Pim

  1. 1 hour ago, Harbour said:

    There are plenty of Mal reissues in Japan unfortunately it’s usually the same effing ones, how they can keep reissuing Mal 1 year in year out is beyond me!

    the other one that really needs a reissue is Tokyo Bound

    Very true indeed. The new Enja reissues: again One Upmanship and Moods. Tokyo Bound is awesome, Tokyo Reverie also, the Encounter with Peacock, Spanish Bitch, Mingus Lives, Live at The Domicille... so much incredible music to reissue...

  2. Does anyone know how shipping costs are calculated in case of a split order. I want to order some cds that are already release, one that will be released 5th of December and one that will be released on December the 20th. Will they wait with shipping everything till the 20th? Will they split up and count extra shipping costs? Anyone who know this? 

  3. Some very nice staff. Amsterdam After Dark... love that record. Such a pity that One Upmanship and Moods are the Waldron albums getting reissued again. Most people including me will have those and I even think they are still in print or at least easy to find. Why not reissue Black Glory or What It Is? A pity...

  4. Yesterday, I saw the great Abdullah Ibrahim yesterday in Leuven. It was.... just stunning. 82 years old and still going strong. Playing solo piano, practically all of his amazing compositions past in an 1,5 hour improvisation. Small concert hall, 200 listeners, no microphone, just Mr. Ibrahim and the piano. So incredibly intimate and beautiful. After 1.5 hour of improvisation the man stood up and made a few deep bows. What a beautiful person! What an experience.

  5. I really think it is a pity that so much Blue Note is out of print these days. I am 27 years old. That means that I didn’t have much time to collect al those Blue Notes. Sure I got plenty but I am still looking for a lot of Grant Green, Lee Morgan, Andrew Hill etc. Nowadays my only option is Discogs which is ok but the shipping costs are ridiculous a lot of the time. I still hope for some nice reissues. 

  6. I love Rouse. I also never really understood the disdain for Monks quartet and for Rouse. Favourite Rouse:


    With the fantastic Rouses Point. Don’t really know the rest of the band all that well but they are all great.

    favourite Rouse as a sideman:


    Playing together with Woody Shaw... it doesn’t get much better than that.

  7. No of course not another A Love Supreme but still: what a great record. The classic quartet in top form. This is insanely good music. I love the Originals and of course One Down, One Up. I also think Slow Blues is the least interesting one.

    very thankful for this release! Got all of his studio and live  work as a leader. But to be honest I will never have got enough Trane.

  8. To me the ultimate Chet is:


    I love these Barclay sessions. It got such an indescribable atmosphere. It feels actually like Paris in 1955. Not that I would know how that feels, but as I would imagine of course. Also a change to hear the great Dick Twardzick who would die the same year. I have never liked the boxed set of these sessions as it contains way to many alternates, false starts, studio chatter and farts by Chet (or Dick, who would know). But these Barclay discs still got played very often. Prefect music for the depressing autumn like weather these days in Holland.

  9. On 21-12-2017 at 8:17 PM, J.A.W. said:

    Works fine for me.

    Does anyone know whats happening out there with the jazzmessengers website? Anyone who recently ordered something? I havent recieved an order confirmation or any e-mail at all. They dont respond to my sent e-mails either. On the order page my order is standing on pago acceptado for 4 days now, everything I ordered was in stock but nothing has been shipped yet. Very strange.

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