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Everything posted by Pim

  1. Just to close with some nice words about the man: ’Guiseppi was like a teacher to me. My musical conception, my intellectual approach, all of that rippened trough my association with him’ - Don Pullen
  2. Well, usually I am pretty optimistic but on this topic not so much. With 29 years old I am pretty young for a jazz fan. And its not a good thing that this is a fact. At jazz concerts, at jazz vinyl/cd stands on a fair I feel truly out of place. With small exceptions I am always the youngest. I don't think the average age attending these kind of things is 55 years old, it is probably more like 65 years old. The fact that David Murray could not even fill up half a Bimhuis, and Atomic couldn't even fill up a quarter.... All worying things I have witnessed. On the other hand I sometimes do see some hopeful things A kid from my tutor class (a high school class in the 16-17 age section) was listening to Coltrane making his test. Reminded me of myself, listening to Coltrane's Giant Steps while attending incredibly dull French lessons.
  3. Adding more stuff to my Waldron collection.... Okay I admit it: its an obsession
  4. Yes it’s slower than usual although it is very much dependent where to or where it comes from. Packages I sent to Germany took much longer than normal. Also I am waiting for a package from Japan for a month now which usually takes 1.5 week. Kupiku made me pay 25 dollars for their ‘special shipping service’ which was according to them: the only option in this time. Funny because another Japanese seller shipped a package for 5 dollars trough Amazon.
  5. All I know is that I love his drumming on this one:
  6. Yeah tastes differ of course but almost can’t believe one not liking this session. I own every Blue Note by Morgan but this one is definitely among my favorites. The version of Capra Black is mind blowing, maybe even better than on Harper’s own masterpiece.
  7. To answer myself: they still are! I mailed some additions to Mal’s disco and they added them. They did not say thanks.... but hey I am glad!
  8. Wow that is great! I doubt the other Strata East will ever be released....
  9. Arrived today and must say: it does sound like Mal. Listened to the Call again to compare (the only record where Mal plays electric piano) and yeah: or this is Mal or this is a very good imitator. And I also share the feeling that there are two keyboard players (also like on The Call). Then there is the inner liner notes that do mention something like ‘when Mal recorded this music’ which makes it even more evident.... But what makes the mystery is of course that nor the cover not the LP itself mention Mal as keyboard player. Intrresting stuff and good observation Jim! More board members who got this record?
  10. Oh boy I hope this version has the outtake with Coltrane scratching his chin 3 times
  11. RIP Lee Konitz.
  12. I was kinda having the same question now five years later. Mailed quite a few additions to Mal Waldron’s discography but do not hear anything back.
  13. Check out track D1 from the second release mentioned That track is also from the 'Candy Girl' record.
  14. https://www.discogs.com/The-Lafayette-Afro-Rock-Band-Afon-10-Unreleased-Afro-Funk-Recordings-1971-1974/release/2923872 https://www.discogs.com/Lafayette-Afro-Rock-Band-Darkest-Light-The-Best-Of-The-Lafayette-Afro-Rock-Band/release/1113934 These sources do note him as the keyboard player. Havent got the LP yet so no chance to give it a good listen.
  15. I cannot find a source mentioning him as the piano player. I ordered it yesterday so will listen closely as soon as I am able to give it a spin.
  16. Okay thanks! Sounds interesting enough. And thanks for that background info Clifford
  17. So anyone with some more information about this particular session? Its a bit of a strange one because Mal is only a composer and not the artist, though the album is brought out under his name. The French official release on Calumet has a median Discogs price of 850 euro's... Whats the story about it?
  18. Okay so there I am again... got my Number Nineteen through discogs, got my Both Side Now trough kupiku. Now I am looking for this one: anyone?
  19. Incredible music by two incredible musicians. Hate the Hatology packaging by the way.... I can see a couple of scratches on these now too. My Cecil Taylor Unit cd is ruined already. Gonna store them in jewel cases from now. Still the question: why tell me why?
  20. There is a thread for that too
  21. A dream line-up with Cecil Bridgewater, Onaje Allan Gumbs, Cecil McBee and Joe Chambers. The record is good but nothing mind-blowing. Rest in peace mr. Gumbs: you will be missed.
  22. I hope it is it is pretty rare so had to buy it when I saw it because you might known I am a Mal completist
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