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Everything posted by Pim

  1. I still buy cd’s and vinyl. I also sell some stuff trough Discogs. It really depends what you sell, what you get. I sold cd’s for 30 euros, mostly the more rare Japanese editions. But really, most cd’s are worth somewhere between the 5 and 10 euros, especially the more common stuff from Blue Note, Verve, OJC etc. The really more older jazz from the ‘30’s and so really not seem to be in demand. In most cases, the Median Discogs price is quite a good guideline. The marketplaces really are not.
  2. Yeah I am very happy with it. Run by some real vinyl heads. Heemskerk is a town with about 40.000 residents. There used to be around 4 record stores in the area (including nearest towns) when I grew up in the ‘90’s. Then from 2005 there wasn’t even one anyonore. When this record store opened in 2016 I felt so happy
  3. Yeah it probably is, Amazon also of course but with new releases I like to support the local record store here in this small town
  4. I think it’s a Dutch delay
  5. On vinyl: On cd:
  6. Pim

    Charli Persip

    That’s sad 😔 great drummer!
  7. I think Demons Dance is planned for next year. It wasn’t in this years batch. It’s Time and Hutcherson’s The Kicker are delayed here in Holland. Date is now set for 12th of September. Those are the two I’m interested in.
  8. You’d almost think so. No idea what’s the problem. The delay was already 3 months. You’d say that’s more than enough.
  9. Also postponed...
  10. Already postponed here unfortunately
  11. Yeah for me too. Or the Enja Impact
  12. 77 is the new 27
  13. Freddie Hubbard’s Straight Life?
  14. Any of the German board members know this? It is pretty good!
  15. A bit mixed feelings bout it. Expected a little more cause of the first messages here. But it’s not bad either. A bit average. Tollivers playing is still very, very good.
  16. Nah let’s not. Let’s call it beautiful music. You talk like you are talking facts and your not. Also there’s not a really hard definition of creativity so yeah you can stretch that a lot. Ah and what if she’s not creative? Is still don’t give a damn. I still enjoy it, because to me it’s still beautiful music. To met it’s dark, atmospheric and melancholic and I like it a lot.
  17. I do like some of the ECM stuff, also some of the crossovers with European folk music, Arab or other eastern Folk music and neo classical stuff. That kind of music has never been popular on this board. Jazz does not always have to bop for me and being more slow or detailed does not have to make it boring. There’s a lot of creative stuff on this label. Funny to see most posters still go for the American artists that are more in the American (free)jazz tradition. If I had to take nine; Mal Waldron - Free at Last Keith Jarrett - Survivors Suite (one of the few Jarrrett albums I actually like) Eleni Karaindrou - The Weeping Meadow (beautiful melancholic Greek score music) Anour Brahem - Conte De L incroyable Amour Anouar Brahem - Voyage de Sahar Tomasz Stanko - Litania (I like most of his work on ECM but this one is the best) Tord Gustavsen - What Was Said ( with the beautiful voice of Simin Tander) Elina Duni - Matane Malit (singer of Albanian descent) Charlie Haden - Ballad of the Fallen
  18. Picked up my copy today in a record store today. Will give it a spin coming Tuesday! Contrary to others on the board I am a vinyl lover but 30 euros is just ridiculous so it’s the cd version for me.
  19. Yeah wasn’t that his trademark, the thumb?
  20. Thanks a lot for that little review Sidewinder. I am definitely going to buy it now!
  21. Yeah this is the Wes I love! Great video. Wasn’t this the same period as he recorded the more commercial Verve recordings with strings?
  22. Thanks for noticing Jim! I love Harpers music so this one is on my wishlist now.
  23. Yeah me too! Also, ‘The Trenches’ popped up again on Dusty Groove.... for the third time. But the release of ‘Connect’ will probably go as planned
  24. Wow! That must have been a pleasant surprise!
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