indeed a little too structured for Frank Wright but it does have some of that energy! Glad you like it. Song was ID’d by mjazzg
I can see why you think of Iyer. He’s from the same decade. Funny no one likes the drummer. He is commonly regarded as one of the fresh talents of this time.
I like your enthousiasm Tom! None of the musicians you named participated here but they all play in a similar style! Was ID’d already.
Correct sir! Song , artist and album were Id’d.
Roy Haynes is indeed the drummer! You heard that very well. Artist/pianist was ID’d.
Correct! Song was ID’d before.
see why you thought of Hicks but indeed this is Joe Bonner. Song and album were ID’d
It’s definitely Eastern European. Well, perhaps more Central European but what we used to call the Eastern bloc.
Bang was ID’d before but not the song/album! Jealous of you for witnessing him play especially with those guys!
yeah this is Kenny.
really? I never heard it that way. I just really love this album and especially the combination of some very, very good artists. That’s another full ID on your name Tom
Thanks Tom for your enthousiastic replies. Hope I did not do too much damage to your bank account And thanks for ID ing a couple of more.
this leaves only 3 songs unidentified!