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Posts posted by Pim

  1. 11 hours ago, Rabshakeh said:

    This group's records are all good. My personal, perhaps subjective, fav is Fort Yawuh.

    I love this record. Shame about the back cover.

    Where do you spin these? What room are we seeing here? I think you have a kid just a little younger than mine (2+4 in my case). All my vinyl records are spun only en famille. I am finding that as they get older I am increasingly having to accept they that they have stronger views on what they'll listen to.


    It’s my ‘music room’. Very small but there’s no place I’d rather be after a busy day. Still can’t believe my wife agreed with it but won’t give it up anymore now :P all my records and my vinyl player are safe here in this room. I wouldn’t dare to keep them downstairs because of my two sons with their greedy hands… they are 3 and 1 years old and especially the youngest is of great danger for all my precious stuff…. When I am a single moment out of the room he gets his hands on my cd’s to ‘play with them’. :wacko:

    Downstairs I still play a lot of jazz. My boys don’t really respond to it in a negative nor positive way. It’s mostly the wife who complains about this terrible loud unstructured madness I dare to play. But I am the one who gets up early with the kids and then it’s time for some jazz!



    4 hours ago, mjazzg said:

    Can I gatecrash?

    You drink scotch, Belgian craft beers, wine or water? ;)

  2. On 13-9-2022 at 7:58 PM, HutchFan said:

    I wonder...  Will the "Great Oscar Peterson Debate" EVER die?!?!

    People have been flogging this horse -- both pro and con -- for decades.

    :g  :blink:  :P


    Well I hope it dies soon but probably not . Some people have to repeat a thousand times about how they hate a musician.

    I cannot believe one actually could be offended by someone’s playing. There’s a lot musicians I don’t particularly like, both jazz and non-jazz but no one offends me. And if their music is a joy and pleasure to others, everything’s fine with me.

  3. 2 hours ago, kh1958 said:

    Wayne Shorter, Teri Lyne Carrington, Leo Genovese, Esperanza Spalding, Live at the Detroit Jazz Festival (Candid)Live At The Detroit Jazz Festival

    Yes he does.

    Great to hear. Looking forward to it anyway. I’ve got pretty old parents (relatively) and always do these gigs with them. Will have a nice diner before. Always greatful I am still able to do these kind of things with them. 

  4. 28 minutes ago, soulpope said:

    Saw him (before the COVID-19 outbreak) performing "live" with Swiss bassplayer Heiri Känzig .... Chico Freeman still had it, nevertheless the 70`s/early 80`s recording showed him at his peak .... I`m interested about your impresions from the Bimhuis performance ....

    Great to hear that. Must say I like his India Navigation stuff the most. Indeed the ‘70’s/80’s stuff. With these guys I always feel happy to be able to see them perform live. As a 31 year old, I’ve missed a lot of my idols :(

    You’ll here from me ;)

  5. 16 hours ago, T.D. said:

    I've recently seen an awful lot of grey market Hat reissues on the Dusty Groove site. Not that many Blue Notes, but they're starting to plunder the Impulse! (e.g. Archie Shepp) and Riverside (e.g. George Russell) catalogs. YMMV, but this also rubs me the wrong way and I find it highly disappointing. Have purchased a lot of Hats over the years but may stop.

    This…. And I also would not know why I would buy material I already own in a better (and original) form. Never liked their packaging too either so if I don’t have to buy a Hat release I don’t and get it on another original and more legal label.

  6. On 23-8-2022 at 6:00 PM, bresna said:

    What bothers me over on the Hoffman boards is this weird attitude that you can't say anything bad about them. It's almost as if they're afraid that they might stop releasing them if people complain. Theses people will tell you to clean your record, swap your cartridge, swap your turntable, swap your phono preamp, or the worst case "I don't hear the problem so it must be you". They will literally say anything except the obvious, "Boy, Blue Note really screwed this one up".


    I am a SH visitor as well and this is very recognizable. Blue Note has the the status of a catholic saint, a communist leader over there. You can’t say anything bad about them. The new Wayne Shorter is missing a spine text on all the pressings. I thinks that’s a little messy for a company asking 30 euros for a piece of vinyl. But no one agreed with me, nobody even liked my remark. The people who reacted said they didn’t understand what I was complaining about and Blue Note should ignore customers like me. These are the same guys that send a record back 4 times because it gives one pop at the end.

    This leads to another weird Hoffman Blue Note thing. It’s the total obsession by so many board members with…. Blue Note. Most people there don’t know shit about any other jazz artists unless he has brought out his music on Blue Note. The only jazz they listen to is on Blue Note. I dare to say that to them jazz = Blue Note. 

    And they like every single record on the label. Every new Tone Poet, every new Classic: it’s always the same story. ‘Wow this must be one of the best jazz records I’ve ever heard’. ‘Oh my god I love this record’. Blablablabla. No serious music listening or analyzing at all. No sincere opinions.

    Weird guys they are/

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