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Everything posted by Pim

  1. Too much Coltrane influence to my taste….
  2. Archie Shepps Black Gipsy on the Verve Free America Series
  3. Pim

    Lou Donaldson RIP

    R.I.P. Mr Donaldson. You’ve lived quite a life. Thanks for the music
  4. Pim

    Verve Record Club

    Yup it's Coltrane playing in French....
  5. Still enjoying this boxed set a lot. Bought it for something like 25 euros. Lovely music, great sound and a very nice booklet. Now spinning the first disc which contains music from The Shape of Jazz to Come, Art of the Improvisers, Twins and Change of the Century.
  6. https://store.ververecords.com/pages/verve-record-club Probably no potential subscribers around here but wanted to share for those interested anyway. Personally I would never subscribe to such a series as I am pretty picky in what I want to buy and what not. 45 dollars a month is a lot for not being sure you're getting something you like. In these cases it's probably more economic to buy one overpriced copy of the LP you'd really like on Discogs than subscribing ending up with stuff youre not interested in.
  7. You must have a great collection Felser. A nice detailed list. What's the reason your selling so much of them?
  8. Bought right after Vijay’s excellent concert in Amsterdam. Another great one from this trio. Compassion is something the world needs especially today Vijay said and he’s very right about that. I just found out my LP display works for cds as well
  9. Well I am sincerely interested. Some of them had a Scorpio hype sticker I believe. I just can’t imagine a company could distribute an illegal product in these enormous quantities and selling them trough all kind of well known sellers. Especially because it’s not a European country with its more flexible PD laws but an American company. It would be a logical step for Blue Note to sue wouldn’t it be? And I think they have the financial capacity to make a case. If anyone has a contact at Blue Note I would really like to know what’s the story. After all I already started this
  10. How is that possible considering copyright and US law? And then to distribute on this scale? And Rainbo preses them that’s a pretty big company right? Would they participate in something illegal? Most of the ones I owned sounded pretty dull and lifeless. jSangry shared this useful article: https://vinyldiscovery.blogspot.com/2017/08/a-primer-on-rhinoscorpio-jazz-reissues.html?m=1
  11. This Scorpio might be the exception https://www.discogs.com/release/2172266-Cliff-Jordan-Cliff-Jordan
  12. This one’s actually on Baystate. But it’s from that period
  13. I just love this cover art. I know it’s not the original cover art but love the freedom reissue. Reminds me of Jackie McLeans Demons Dance. And the music: desert island stuff for me.
  14. Japanese first press was in 1978. If you don’t have it and like this McLean band/period it’s highly recommended!
  15. I love that one. Only downside is that jts such a short record. One of the loveliest anti-apartheid songs ever made ❤️
  16. Got that one for Mals presence. To me it’s an okay record but still not something I revisit a lot. I have the biggest respect for Braxton as a musician that meant so much to the music. It’s just that it does not work for me. I’ve tried a lot times (and will probably try some more).
  17. If we’re ending up on the same island we only need one copy then
  18. In force yes but not so much in the structure of the music I think. What I really dig in Black Unity Trio is the interaction I hear between the guys. And though the music is free it still has a structured feeling to me. It's hard to describe sometimes but it's exactly what I miss at a record like Echo which Clifford desribes pretty accurate. To say it in a disrespectful way (not meant that way): a record like Echo feels like how some people describe freejazz... Like every musician just plays his part right trough the other musicians without listening or interacting. But then again I do like Frank Wright, Noah Howard and the Center of the World stuff. I've always liked Ayler but have to be in a certain mood. Freejazz is such a personal experience I think, it's sometimes hard to describe what makes it click and what turns you off. If I had to name some of the more free musicians I really like: - Sam Rivers - Sonny Simmons - Archie Shepp - John Coltrane - Pharoah Sanders - Horace Tapscott - Julius Hemphill - Noah Howard - Don Cherry - Fred Anderson - Frank Wright Artists I have more trouble connecting with their music: - Anthony Braxton - Evan Parker - Derek Bailey - Fred van Hove - Sun Ra - Alexander von Schlippenbach Cecil Taylor could be in both lists depends on what mood and what particular record by him. Same goes for the great Steve Lacy. Now I don't see a very direct connection between all the artists mentioned but I'd say in broad terms the music I enjoy has more ground in jazz, blues and African music where the music I don't really has more connection with European classical and avant-garde music. But that's just a small bit of a decleration.
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