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Everything posted by Pim

  1. Last one for tonight
  2. Haha well with Spanish Bitch it counts for both the beer as the vinyl! They are both highly recommended. If you’re ever stuck in the Amsterdam area I will treat you on both
  3. Fully agree. The fact that it was so hard to obtain was part of its charm.
  4. The Talisker. Every year one glass. It was a gift from my father in law and it’s in a price class I that I would not buy a drink in. It’s something special and still enough left in the bottle for next year 😁 have the same thing with the Westvleteren beer which I only drink on special occasions. Phineas is more a monthly thing I guess 😎
  5. the new Sam reissue. Glad I’ve traded in my Japanese issue with profit because this one sounds even better. Nice job
  6. school holidays here. Time for my annual 18 yo Tallisker Speyside whiskey and some Phineas Newborn to close off the school year.
  7. 🥰 great this is finally reissued. You bought the cd version right?
  8. What do you mean with raw materials Clifford? You mean you are the owner of the master tapes? 😱
  9. Yeah lovely record. Amazing chemistry between the two. Something more easy before dinner
  10. Still hoping for that official reissue. I wonder why both Pure Pleasure and P-Vine have never touched this one?
  11. The record label that’s reissuing Reminicent Suite and that reissued a dozen other great J Jazz records put out a book now that looks pretty interesting: https://bbemusic.com/news/we-are-proud-to-announce-bbes-very-first-book-j-jazz-free-and-modern-jazz-from-japan-1954-1988
  12. I also doubt it. I think that if it is they will mention it for it increases its market value. If it’s not they don’t mention anything. My experiences wit BBE are excellent up till now (Takeo Moriyama and Makoto Terashita). I also have an original that sounds like most Japanese Victor records: amazing. Doubting to pick up the reissue so I could leave the original protected on the vaults as I cherish this record as one of my all time favorites. I normally don’t do duplicates
  13. Hymn of the Inferno must contain some of Clifford Jordan’s most outside playing on record doesnt it?
  14. LP 3 and 4 which cover roughly the music from Chet Baker Sings, Sings and Plays and the Chet Baker Russ Freeman Quartet
  15. https://www.organissimo.org/forum/topic/90596-jazz-in-paradiso-sun-ra-and-more-to-come/
  16. Lovely record. It has some kind of Christmas spirit for sure
  17. Fedex is pretty fast. Japan-Netherlands mostly takes 5 days. But some of my packages were damaged unfortanetely
  18. Frank Foster and Elmo Hope 🥰
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