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Everything posted by Pim

  1. I don’t know very much about the Emarcy label but Clifford Brown’s recordings are legendary of course. Also, my favorite recordings by Chet Baker are on Emarcy. His sessions ‘In Paris’ are so incredibly beautiful and I enjoy those more than much of his more popular recordings. The boxed set to me has too much alternates, false starts etc. so I bought the 4 volumes on cd instead. And that is some beautiful music!
  2. Pim

    Wynton Marsalis

    Definitly. Of course Ware is influenced by Coltrane, but almost every modern sax tenor player is to some degree. I do not see that as something negative. More important to me is that the saxophonist himself is creative and original, and Ware certainly is. His masterpiece on DIW ‘Godspelized’ is such another cup of tea than let’s say: ‘Sun Ship’ by Coltrane. The quartet with Shipp has such another sound, than Coltrane’s. A comparison to Frank Wrights ‘Unity’ Quartet with Bobby Few is more likely to me. But why should we compare anyway... in my opinion all these artists are unique and wonderful in their own right and I enjoy them all.
  3. I got the 2016 SHM release of ‘The Magic of Ju-Ju’. I must say that I haven’t heard other versions to compare, but the sound quality is absolutely amazing. It is like Shepp is standing there playing in my room.
  4. Pim

    Wynton Marsalis

    Personally, I don’t like people that always categorize and think in boxes in a negative kind of way. On this forums, I see mainly people that just love music and talk about it. On other forums, in Dutch mainly you are supposed to pick a side. Side one: everything that smells of freejazz and was made after 1960 is semi-intellectual nonsense by musicians that cannot play a single right note. Jazz is something that was made before 1960 and is played only by musicians that run over the same scales again and again. I think that this is the side that mr. Marsalis feel most comfortambly in. Side two: the only interesting jazz was made after 1960 by musicians that play freejazz. Everything before is outdated and not interesting anymore. I don’t fit in these two sides and I do not want to. I have always hated people like Marsalis and Stanley Crouch, because of their segreationist views on ‘what is jazz’ and ‘what is not jazz’. And I must say that it has made me prejudiced about Marsalis’ music: I still don’t feel like listening to it, while he probably has made some nice records. Shame on me for that. I don’t like narrow mindness on music that itself is so free and creative. It baffles me to read Bob Weinstocks words on the late Coltrane in ‘Fearless Leader’ liner notes. According to Weinstock John lost his way after ‘A Love Supreme’... Unbelievable. Anyway to me jazz is Louis Armstrong but also Cecil Taylor. It is Prez and it is also David S. Ware. It is Jelly Roll but also Anouar Brahem. It is a creative force: some things I like, and others I don’t.
  5. To me a genius is original, skillfull and creative. I mainly like ‘original’ voices in jazz, people that differ themselves from the rest. There are people that I dig and also people that I do not dig, but still consider a genius. I personally don’t dig Lennie Tristano, Anthony Braxton and Lee Konitz. But I do consider them to be genius. I appreciate what they have meant/still mean to jazz and I can see what they are doing but I just don’t feel it. Geniuses that I do feel: Hawk, Bird, Lady Day, John Coltrane, Mal Waldron, Monk, Archie Shepp, Steve Lacy, McCoy Tyner, Dollar Brand, Kidd Jordan. And of course much more...
  6. Sound quality is not superb. So not like ‘Live at The Village Vanguard Again’. It has always run as a bootleg but I must say that Resonance has done a fine job. It is very listenable contrary to bootlegs like the 1966 Newport bootleg or the Unissued Seattle performance. It is a must have!
  7. Evan Parker's Snake Decides took awhile. Then one evening in the dark with only headphones it clicked... It clicked and became one of my favorites. But I still wouldn't listen it trough my speakers, headphones only
  8. Thanks for the information webbcity!
  9. Pim

    Donald Byrd

    RIP mister Byrd. Listening to Free Form again
  10. Glad he is still with us. Wonderful trombonist. His playing is marvelous on Reggie Workmans Summit Conference. Hope he gets better soon!
  11. I'm glad I found this forum. It's fantastic to hear these kind of stories. People on this forum that have met and seen the musicians I love. I must confess: I'm very jealous of you all I was born in 1990 in The Netherlands, so most of the legends I like passed away before I even walked this earth. And most of the legends live overseas. I would almost buy me a ticket to New York to meet Kalaparusha, just to talk with him. In an environment like this in Holland, you got the feeling that all the import things in jazz happen(ed) elsewhere and in another time. Though i'm still proud to say that I have seen Sonny Rollins, Archie Shepp, Pharoah Sanders, David Murray, Charles Gayle, Cecil Taylor, Rashied Ali, Peter Brotzmann, Hamid Drake to name a few
  12. I found this beautiful documentary about this saxophonist, who always has been a bit underrated. Now he plays in the subway. Does anyone know if the introducing solo piece is ever issued on cd? If the video does not work you probably have to switch to the other media player on the website. The button is in the right under the video. Worth watching! Maybe some thoughts on this saxophonist?
  13. In Holland, most big record stores go into bankruptcy. We had only one jazz record store in Amsterdam, called the Blue Note. That shop went down a few years ago. Then there are big stores who have a very limited stock of jazz records. There is for me only one really nice store left: Concerto in Amsterdam.
  14. When were talking about studio recordings I'd say: John Coltrane's Ascension: 40 minutes Pharoah Sanders - Black Unity 37 minutes Archie Shepp - Black Gipsy 23 minutes Part II Obsession: Gato Barbieri 20 minutes
  15. She was indeed a wonderful singer Dark beautiful tone, always in tune and an innovator. I love her works with Mal Waldron.
  16. Thanks I will! With some info I can probably create a Wiki bio and a bio on other websites.
  17. I don't know what to say. That would be wonderful. Many, many thanks!
  18. The world experience orchestra was on ebay. Made up to 1500 dollars I believe. Incredible!
  19. I was adding the Baystate catalogue to a dutch music website, similar to rateyourmusic.com and found an album by an artist whos was till now unknown to me. His name is Robert Ruff and as it seems to be, he has only released one album as a leader and was a sidemen on one other record. I listened to a sample on youtube and I was amazed by his playing and composition. I ordered his album Shaza-Ra immediatly. Here's the sample: Has anyone heard about him? Anyone who digs his music too and my most important question: Does anyone know anything about what happened to him? Any biography information?
  20. Thank you very much for your reaction! Pity it hasnt been recorded that much. And with all those different titles, it's getting more confusing.
  21. Pim

    Barney Wilen

    I know Barney most of the recordings with Miles. But I also got this record by him:
  22. I got some links. Maybe someone recognize it: http://www.amazon.com/gp/dmusic/media/sample.m3u/ref=dm_mu_dp_trk4_smpl/186-6058478-7364537?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B000V68XI4&DownloadLocation=CD&catalogItemType=track Kind regards, Pim
  23. Dear jazz listeners, I heard this tune for the first time on the Holy Ghost box set by Albert Ayler. It stunned me immediatly and I wanted to hear more versions. By coincidence I heard two more versions on records I listened to but they had different titles. One was issued on Frank Wrights Uhuru Umoja with the title: Being. The other version is on Don Aylers Live in Florence under the title The Eastern Song. You could listen to the tune by typing: Prophet John Don Ayler in YouTube. My big question is: does anyone know another version? Thanks!
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