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Everything posted by Pim

  1. No of course not another A Love Supreme but still: what a great record. The classic quartet in top form. This is insanely good music. I love the Originals and of course One Down, One Up. I also think Slow Blues is the least interesting one. very thankful for this release! Got all of his studio and live work as a leader. But to be honest I will never have got enough Trane.
  2. Wish you had distributed a whole lot more Chuck, haha. Have been looking for cd reissues by Chico, Murray, Bluiett and Anthony Davis for a long while now. Very rare Unfortanatly. Same goes for a label like Strata East for exemple.
  3. Pim

    Chet Baker.

    To me the ultimate Chet is: I love these Barclay sessions. It got such an indescribable atmosphere. It feels actually like Paris in 1955. Not that I would know how that feels, but as I would imagine of course. Also a change to hear the great Dick Twardzick who would die the same year. I have never liked the boxed set of these sessions as it contains way to many alternates, false starts, studio chatter and farts by Chet (or Dick, who would know). But these Barclay discs still got played very often. Prefect music for the depressing autumn like weather these days in Holland.
  4. Sounds very strange indeed. It is also on the YouTube version.
  5. Does anyone know whats happening out there with the jazzmessengers website? Anyone who recently ordered something? I havent recieved an order confirmation or any e-mail at all. They dont respond to my sent e-mails either. On the order page my order is standing on pago acceptado for 4 days now, everything I ordered was in stock but nothing has been shipped yet. Very strange.
  6. My favorite one:
  7. Rest in peace mr. Rudd. I have always loved your work, especially with Archie Shepp. Wonderful trombonist and a wonderful man. This was my summer vacation soundtrack when I visited Tibet and Mongolia last summer.
  8. Hahaha this made me laugh!
  9. Thanks a lot! Ordered Lee Morgans Lighthouse, Don Cherry’s Wheres Brooklyn and Tyner’s Expansions
  10. A very happy birthday to you mr. Tyner! One of my all time favorite piano players! I have never seen him live unfortunately. If he ever make a European tour again I will do whatever it takes to get a ticket. I really do not care if his playing is not what it is was anymore. The man is nearly 80!
  11. Is there any list with coming releases or something like that?
  12. Pim

    Sunny Murray

    Rest in peace mister Murray. And Thanks for everything!
  13. Ah I missed that part. Thanks! Pax was already on my wishlist.
  14. I am a real Andrew Hill enthousiast. Recently I found this one in his discography: Has this ever been released on cd? I think half of it on a mosaic but what about the rest?
  15. Nice record and an interesting combination. Bought the LP a few years AFP but would like to have a nice cd version too.
  16. Youre enthousiasm has convinced me. Just ordered these ones on cd:
  17. Thanks for your input!
  18. This Soul Note seems to be largely forgotten. Art Davis himself too, except for his contributions to Trane’s music of course. Very nice recording with a killer group: John Hicks, Idris Muhammad and Pharoah Sanders!
  19. Yes I love Hope. Probably one of the most underrated pianists, always in the shadow of Powell and Monk. I love these ones
  20. Well call me oldfashioned but I collect cd’s. But If its the last resource I always download of course. Thanks for your input. I am going for the Japanese version when I spot one for a reasonable price. But you’re right... all those records are out of print these days and the prices are ridiculous. Strata East is a good example but also India Navigation and many more. Mal Waldrons catalogue is almost completely out of print. It’s getting harder and harder to buy some essentials for me...
  21. Me too! Unfortanatly those Strata East CDS are hard to find. But how do you feel about the sound of it? I am considering to buy the much more expensive Japanese Edition.
  22. I’ve got a question about this one too. I recently bought the 1992 Bellaphon/Strata-East german version. I think the sound quality is very poor. The horns are very loud and sharp and almost make you’re ears bleed, while the rythm section is far in the background. Anyone with the same experience with this version?
  23. Pim

    John Tchicai

    This is the one for me from Tchicai. What a record, what a band, what a beautiful cover art.
  24. Not really a box, but still a 3cd complete works. I bought this one yesterday for 5 euros on a cd fair... Replaced the case and now it is in near mint condition:
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