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Everything posted by Pim

  1. Got the three fantasy releases Fearless Leader, Interplay and Side Steps and I really like those. Nice packing, nice artwork, nice booklet, nice sound. No need for this weird release. Why begin in 1958? Or have I missed the other releases?
  2. Sounds great! Thanks!
  3. That is a nice group. Very nice!
  4. Anyone Some thoughts on the Strata East reissues? I have recently bought on Pure pleasure records: - Cecil Payne’s Zodiac - Charles Tollivers Music Inc On Everland: - Charlie Rouses Two is One Both of these labels seem legit and I must say they have done a wonderful job. Sound is very good and it is reissued as a Strata East, with original artwork. But most of all: for me it is an affordable way to finally get these records.
  5. Happy birthday Mr. Shaw. Tomorrow its my birthday. Guess what my wife gave me in advance: Woody Shaw Live in Bremen!!! Can’t wait to give it a spin in your honour!
  6. Only one reissue unfortunately. There is one in ‘good’ condition on eBay for 12 bucks. Nothing on Discogs right now but one will propably pop up the coming weeks.
  7. Yes I found some pretty nice stuff there too Niko, this year and last year. Billy Harpers Capra Black for 5 euros for example. I remember when I was 15 years old, I really found lots of beautiful stuff in record stores. That was around 2006. Unfortunately my budget was small in those days and I just got started with jazz. But I remember all those RVG’s and nice offers. Nowadays in record stores they got some ‘40 albums on 1 cd’ shit, fake reissues by Andorran labels. A pity... @soulpope indeed, the hunting is part of the fun. Probably my number 1 hobby I think, which of course causes some friction with my wife, haha. Speaking of great deals: yesterday, I bought Cecil McBees Mutima on cd for only 18 euros. Christmas comes early this year
  8. That is true. I bought: Chico Freeman’s ‘Chico’, Spirit Sensitive and ‘Outside Within’ for 30 dollars al together on a Dutch marketplace. Lee Morgan’s Complete at Hermosa Beach for 8 euros en Cecil McBees ‘Music from the Source’ for 10 bucks... unbelievable!
  9. The wishlist I was talking about is a Discogs wishlist soulpope
  10. All very true. So much to discover it makes me dizzy. My wishlist just keeps growing while I’m trying to make it shrink haha. Anyway, the new reissue program got one surprise for me: the Hutcherson. But I am still hoping for those Andrew Hill, Booker Ervin and Sonny Clark reissues. And it’s not Blue Note only of course. Recently saw two new Mal Waldron reissues: One Upmanship and Moods for the 100th time. Mal has got so much OOP masterpieces, some extremely rare. This sometimes makes me sad. I see Japanese Strata East releases, India Navigaton stuff, Mal Waldron cd’s that were once available for a neat price, for the most ridiculous prices. It means I will probably never have them on CD. Few examples from my personal list: Pharoah Sanders - Pharoah (from 65 dollar) Dollar Brand - Third World Underground (from 88 dollar) Mal Waldron - The Call (from 120 dollar) Hannibal Marvin Peterson - Hannibal (from 120 dollar) and so much more to go. Amazon seams to have really lose it. Sometimes ordinary RVGs or OJCs easy to get releases are sold for more than 100 dollars. CDJapan is a very nice store indeed. Lately ordered me some 7 Lee Morgan’s
  11. Pim

    McCoy Tyner

    I love his Milestone output. The Greeting, Sama Lamayuca... those are some serious high energy live sessions. Not really free jazz but contains the same amount of power and energy. Exhausting in a positive way. Love those bands, love the compositions and themes and love Tyners playing. Echoes of a Friend I do not dislike his works after 1985 but do think he had more potential.
  12. Yes indeed. Glass Bead Games is probably one of my all time favorite records. With the most beautiful Coltrane tribute ever.
  13. Haha that made me laugh but you are probably right. A ‘complete’ recordings with some studio chatters and some burbs by Mal himself would be nice too...
  14. Very true indeed. The new Enja reissues: again One Upmanship and Moods. Tokyo Bound is awesome, Tokyo Reverie also, the Encounter with Peacock, Spanish Bitch, Mingus Lives, Live at The Domicille... so much incredible music to reissue...
  15. https://goo.gl/images/wXuso4 Me too. And how bout this one? I always thought that Mal Waldron reached a near pop star status in Japan. But the amount of avaible reissues at this moment is absolutely dreadfully low
  16. Moses Molelekwa is amazing!
  17. Thanks for your answer!
  18. Does anyone know how shipping costs are calculated in case of a split order. I want to order some cds that are already release, one that will be released 5th of December and one that will be released on December the 20th. Will they wait with shipping everything till the 20th? Will they split up and count extra shipping costs? Anyone who know this?
  19. Some very nice staff. Amsterdam After Dark... love that record. Such a pity that One Upmanship and Moods are the Waldron albums getting reissued again. Most people including me will have those and I even think they are still in print or at least easy to find. Why not reissue Black Glory or What It Is? A pity...
  20. Yesterday, I saw the great Abdullah Ibrahim yesterday in Leuven. It was.... just stunning. 82 years old and still going strong. Playing solo piano, practically all of his amazing compositions past in an 1,5 hour improvisation. Small concert hall, 200 listeners, no microphone, just Mr. Ibrahim and the piano. So incredibly intimate and beautiful. After 1.5 hour of improvisation the man stood up and made a few deep bows. What a beautiful person! What an experience.
  21. I can see the pictures... I’ll keep hope then...
  22. MPS is celebrating their 50th birthday. Does anyone know of they are going to reissue some stuff on cd? Or will it be streaming only? i would die for a reissue of this one:
  23. I really think it is a pity that so much Blue Note is out of print these days. I am 27 years old. That means that I didn’t have much time to collect al those Blue Notes. Sure I got plenty but I am still looking for a lot of Grant Green, Lee Morgan, Andrew Hill etc. Nowadays my only option is Discogs which is ok but the shipping costs are ridiculous a lot of the time. I still hope for some nice reissues.
  24. I love Rouse. I also never really understood the disdain for Monks quartet and for Rouse. Favourite Rouse: With the fantastic Rouses Point. Don’t really know the rest of the band all that well but they are all great. favourite Rouse as a sideman: Playing together with Woody Shaw... it doesn’t get much better than that.
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