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Everything posted by Pim

  1. I was adding the Baystate catalogue to a dutch music website, similar to rateyourmusic.com and found an album by an artist whos was till now unknown to me. His name is Robert Ruff and as it seems to be, he has only released one album as a leader and was a sidemen on one other record. I listened to a sample on youtube and I was amazed by his playing and composition. I ordered his album Shaza-Ra immediatly. Here's the sample: Has anyone heard about him? Anyone who digs his music too and my most important question: Does anyone know anything about what happened to him? Any biography information?
  2. Thank you very much for your reaction! Pity it hasnt been recorded that much. And with all those different titles, it's getting more confusing.
  3. Pim

    Barney Wilen

    I know Barney most of the recordings with Miles. But I also got this record by him:
  4. I got some links. Maybe someone recognize it: http://www.amazon.com/gp/dmusic/media/sample.m3u/ref=dm_mu_dp_trk4_smpl/186-6058478-7364537?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B000V68XI4&DownloadLocation=CD&catalogItemType=track Kind regards, Pim
  5. Dear jazz listeners, I heard this tune for the first time on the Holy Ghost box set by Albert Ayler. It stunned me immediatly and I wanted to hear more versions. By coincidence I heard two more versions on records I listened to but they had different titles. One was issued on Frank Wrights Uhuru Umoja with the title: Being. The other version is on Don Aylers Live in Florence under the title The Eastern Song. You could listen to the tune by typing: Prophet John Don Ayler in YouTube. My big question is: does anyone know another version? Thanks!
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