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Everything posted by rwhillman

  1. #324 has landed. Looks like it is off to a nice start.
  2. It is a great set. Sadly, now OOP.
  3. Congrats Ricky. Mosaic now has on website for pre-orders.
  4. I'll let the seller put a price on it.
  5. Please pm me if you have a set for sale. Bob
  6. pm sent on Birth of Bebop.
  7. I'll second that. Packaging was outstanding.
  8. Thanks Yusef. RIP
  9. Odd. Something shows as last chance, then sold out, then a few months later reappears as last chance. Nice to have availability, but maybe last chance should be called penultimate chance.
  10. My Django arrived. Guess I was one of the few lucky ones. Still, if it was a glitch, it is odd that they did fulfill some orders. Mine was placed Friday night and not shipped until Tuesday. Bob
  11. Update -- It turns out it is legitimate and not a glitch. I Just got the shipment notice on Reinhardt's Classic Early Recordings in Chronological Order, showing price of $1 and $2.98 shipping. Would post an image if I knew how. Bob
  12. I think we are saying the same thing. For two nights, there was a window open for a couple of hours, then it closed in a couple of steps. For a while, you could actually place an order at the discounted price. Then, Amazon would show it was still available, but if you clicked on the seller you got nothing. You are skeptical, as am I. Amazon shows my order as accepted and awaiting shipment, but I don't expect to ever see it. One way or another, I'll update. Bob
  13. Seems to be a window that has opened for a few hours and then closed, twice in the last few days. Remains to be seen whether orders placed and accepted (I have one) will actually ship. Bob
  14. And the Django Reinhardt is back at $1.
  15. Me too. Though I paid $2.98 for shipping. Yes, shipping plus $1 = $3.98. My guess is that in a couple of days we will get an email saying the order has been cancelled. Bob
  16. Right, but that is because the seller (i-deals) is no longer listed as a seller, suggesting they have no more (they were listing multiple copies) or they were listing the wrong set. I put in a order and received a confirm showing a $1 price. I'll be surprised if they ever ship it. That's fine if it was a mistake, which probably is the case. Bob
  17. Classic Early Recordings in Chronogical Order [box set, Original recording reissued] Django Reinhardt The i-deals price on this 5 disc set dropped from $23 to $1. Obviously, this won't last. I'll try posting the link, but if this does not work look for the i-deals vendor in Amazon marketplace. The link -- http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004S5WA/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&smid=A3DJR8M9Y3OUPG Bob
  18. It is fairly easy and should work well. You need two powerline adapters, you plug one in to an electrical outlet near your router, and the other in to an outlet in your basement. Run an Ethernet cable from the router to the first powerline adapter box, and another from the second adapter box in the basement to your computer. If you do a search on Amazon for powerline adapters you will see quite a few. Total cost for the adapters about $50, and it should fine. Bob
  19. Why not run the internet through your house's electrical wiring?
  20. PM sent on Africa.
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