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Dave James

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Everything posted by Dave James

  1. Listening to Shorty shortly has a nice ring to it. This is a first rate box set. Enjoy.
  2. Speaking of Leonard Cohen, I was reminded of one of the better Cohen covers, that being Jennifer Warnes' version of "First We Take Manhattan" featuring Stevie Ray Vaughn.
  3. I would use the value of Mosaic CD box sets as a yardstick for the declining value of the medium. As most of us are aware, at one time there was a vibrant market for OOP Mosaic CD boxes. Now, you'd b lucky to recoup your initial investment. When it comes to regular, "run-of-the-mill" CD's, I'd be adopting a something is better than nothing mind set.
  5. I had tickets to see the MSO a few months back at a great little venue in Portland called Revolution Hall. Unfortunately, the date was scrubbed due to the virus.
  6. I have three iPods going all the way back to original from 2001. All of them still work fine, but the only one I still occasionally use for new music is the latest, a 7th Generation. No idea how many songs amongst the three, but it has to be well into the thousands.
  7. While cleaning out a long forgotten corner of my garage yesterday, I came across maybe 50 Mosaic Records brochures, the ones that announced new releases and recapped what was already in their catalog. Some of these are pretty old...as far back as #8 from 1991 announcing The Complete Roulette Live Recordings of the Count Basie Band. Oldest of the bunch were some pre-catalog flyers describing Volumes II and III of the Commodore LP collections. They each have an order blank and a letter from Charlie Lucie describing the contents. I doubt these have any value outside of that associated with nostalgia, but it was fun looking though them and recalling an era when I eagerly anticipated each new Mosaic release.
  8. Here's an audio only recording from July of 1949. He would have been 35 years old.
  9. This one from J.J. Cale. "Magnolia" is easily among my all-time, top 10 songs.
  10. I know it's not baseball related, but Philadelphia Eagles' coach Doug Peterson, although he's currently asymptomatic, has tested positive for the virus. Of all the sports, football is easily the one that creates the most exposure. All things considered, I don't see how the NFL or the NCAA is going to be able to have a season.
  11. We may be the wealthiest country in the world, but we're also the dumbest. How can you possibly get ahead of this when 30% of the country is convinced that the wearing of masks and social distancing is some sort of left-wing conspiracy?
  12. If you play golf, you know all about the "yips." For an entire season a number of years ago, I putted with a club that was actually called a "Yip Stick". It was all of two feet long. Daniel Bard suffered from the same thing but in a very public way. Some of his numbers while he was trying to work his way through this were shocking. I know people say it's all in your head, but the stats were real. That he's been able to work his way back and actually make a major league roster is remarkable. Great story.
  13. I don't know how this will work out, but the Buffalo Blue Jays does have a nice, alliterative ring to it.
  14. Sad news indeed. IMO, one of the two or three best guitarists to emerge from the 1960's British Invasion. Not just a great musician but an accomplished songwriter as well. His story is as tragic as any in the history or rock. Who knows where he might have gone or what he might have done had he not chosen to attend that now infamous LSD party outside of Munich, Germany in the Spring of 1970. https://youtu.be/mcZJCLce1cY
  15. I can't find this anywhere, but the all-time leader in the clubhouse the recounting of a phone call with Lou Donaldson. Now that I think about it, that's old enough that it might have been posted on the old BNBB. Classic in every sense of the term.
  16. Wow...very nice. Ten minutes of pure pleasure. Thanks for posting.
  17. FOX Sports will be using virtual fans on its MLB broadcasts. https://www.si.com/mlb/2020/07/23/fox-virtual-fans-mlb-broadcast-2020
  18. I have the RVG version. Tina Brooks plays tenor on the first four cuts.
  19. I wasn't aware that the Red Sox had three pitchers. Sorry...I couldn't resist.
  20. I was at the same show at the Performing Arts Center in downtown PDX. Great venue. Shepp is certainly no spring chicken, but he seemed to be in good spirits and played a fairly lengthly set. The trio behind him was uber-tight. He did some interesting songs that I wasn't expecting to hear. I'll tell you one thing...that was a beautiful saxophone he was playing that night.
  21. My sense is (based on nothing at all analytical) is that prices bottomed out awhile back. That's not to say OOP sets will ever get back to the prices sellers were asking in the early 2000's, but higher than the give away prices we were seeing a few years ago.
  22. TTK, Just the opposite. I was referring to a German seller who is asking $999.00 apiece for a bunch of OOP Mosaic vinyl box sets.
  23. Has anyone perused the current Mosaic listings on eBay? I thought I'd fallen through a time portal when I saw the prices that are being asked not only for OOP vinyl boxes, but for other sets as well. Someone must not be paying much attention to the old adage, "Charge what the market will bear."
  24. My wife may have seen more rock concerts than all of us combined. She grew up in the Bay Area around the time of the great awakening. The Fillmore West, Winterland, Avalon Ballroom, The Matrix, Golden Gate Park...round up the usual suspects. She's seen the original Marshall Tucker Band a half a dozen times... something for which I cannot forgive her no matter how hard I try. As to jazz? No interest whatsoever.
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