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Dave James

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Everything posted by Dave James

  1. One of the greats. Gibson's death came on the 52nd anniversary of perhaps his most overpowering performance, when he struck out a World Series record 17 batters in Game 1 of the 1968 World Series against Detroit.
  2. Other than the turntable, the system I have also belonged to my father. I still have all the manuals and the original bill of sale, The price of the McIntosh electronics and the JBL speakers came to just over $1,200 when he purchased them in 1967.
  3. It's hardly just the USPS. Over the last couple of months, the service from FedEx has deteriorated markedly. Nothing has been lost yet, but as to their projected delivery dates, they might as well be throwing darts at a dartboard.
  4. Nothing special. I'm by no means an audiophile. The original tone arm on the 125 and a Grado Gold3 MI cartridge.
  5. Mid-60's McIntosh MR 67 FM tuner, C 24 Solid State pre-amp and MC 250 amp. Mid-60's JBL 030 15" speakers. Two Thorens turntables, a TD-125 and a TD -160.
  6. In 1961, Roger Maris hit his 61st home run in the final game of a 162 game season. For his trouble, he had as asterisk placed next to his name in the records books. One can only hope that the same treatment will be accorded the team that wins the 2020 World Series.
  7. Larry, There's second Perkins / Pucillo / Colangelo collaboration called "Like Nobody Else - The Danny Pucillo Quartet Plays The Music Of Charles Mingus."
  9. For better or for worse, Van has always been his own man. Judged solely on the basis of his music, he's in my all-time Top 10. How many other musicians have remained relevant for as long? He's always been cranky...that's just his nature. I saw him in the late 60's at the old Paramount Theater in Portland, Oregon. After about a half and hour, he stopped the concert and called out the crowd for taking flash pictures. Then he sat down on the stage for 15 minutes to make his point. Me? I'll gladly put up with his idiosyncrasies in deference to music like this:
  10. Have you read the first installment? I've been fascinated by German history between 1918 and 1945 for as long as I can remember., so these two books are right in my wheelhouse. I know it was an indescribably horrible period in world history, but for me, it's like an accident. I can't look away.
  11. IF THIS IS TOO POLITICAL, TAKE IT DOWN. Time for the Dems to circle the wagons and sit on any forthcoming nominations. If the Republicans can play politics with Merrick Garland, the Dems can do the same. The last thing we need is another Trump justice on the Supreme Court. His legacy is sad enough as is.
  12. The second volume of Volker Ullrich's Hitler duology:
  13. I think you just did. Look, I understand that Crouch was a polarizing figure. Did he have strong opinions? For sure. Did lots of people disagree with him? For sure. But, the bottom line is this. He loved and championed the music.
  14. "Habent igitur ego audio." Even if it was 54 years ago, I knew my Jesuit education would come in handy at some point.
  15. According to today's CNN business report, 2020 marks the first year vinyl has outsold CD's since the 1980's. From a music industry perspective, I'm not sure if that's good or bad news or if, in this day and age, it's irrelevant. https://us.cnn.com/2020/09/13/tech/vinyl-records-cd-sales-riaa/index.html
  16. Hazardous air quality today. Smoke from multiple forest fires is trapped at ground level. We're supposed to get some rain this week. That would be invaluable on multiple fronts. It's pretty weird in these parts right now.
  17. When it comes to Santana, I'll take Michael Shrieve or Graham Lear behind the kit in a heartbeat. The last time I saw Santana, his wife was with the band and it wasn't the same.
  18. Continued hot and shitty. 97 today complicated by the smoke that's accumulating from several significant fires in and around the Willamette Valley. Thank God for air conditioning.
  19. It's really a shame that the Buckingham Nix group was still called Fleetwood Mac. The original Peter Green band was the real deal and you underestimate the Bob Welch / Dave Walker led group at your own peril. IMO, "Bermuda Triangle", "Church" and. "Hynotized" are among the best songs any FM iteration ever recorded.
  20. When I was in college in the late 60's, "Flute Thing" was always #1 with a bullet when we fired up our last fatty of the evening.
  21. Can we safely assume that the end game involves Alice Cooper?
  22. Mammoth in more ways than one.
  23. Boy does this make me feel old. Seaver was one of those guys who seemed forever young. Lewy Body Dementia...the same thing that contributed to Robin Williams' passing.
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